Last modified: June 9, 2007

Outlands College of Heralds

June 9, 2007
From the Office of the Castle Herald
Baronessa Francesca di Pavia, OP, OL

UNTO the Outlands College of Heralds, our respected friends and colleagues who give freely of their time to provide commentary, and all others who come by these letters, on this 9th day of June, A.S. xxxxii (2007 CE), does Maestra Francesca di Pavia send greetings on behalf of The Honourable Lady Marie de Blois, White Stag Principal Herald.

Here follows the Kingdom of the Outlands Letter of Presentation for June 2007. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Errors found herein are undoubtedly mine.

Anyone may comment upon the items found herein, and e-mail commentary to the Rampart address is encouraged. Please have comments on items contained herein to Rampart, Furukusu Masahide-dono, by July 21, 2007, for the Rampart decision meeting tentatively scheduled for July 22, 2007.

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I present the following items for your consideration, while reminding submitting heralds that documentation cited on submission forms should make VERY clear what each source is purported to document.  Pretend that I have not been privy to all your previous research and conversations, because, well, I haven't. I don't have a clue what you are talking about unless you tell me. (This is the Laurel talking more than the herald. Documentation is for teaching. Teach me what you need me to know.) Members of the College may be delighted to go on a dig for you - but I can tell them where to start much more easily if you are clear in what you want me to communicate to them.  And I'm not the digger - that's not my job, folks.

Another note: I present the blazons to you as they appear on the submission forms. I am well aware that many of them need a lot of work - and you all are good at that!

1. Æðeluulf Munec. New name and device. Counter-ermine, a ram's head caboshed argent horned and jessant of a straight trumpet Or.
(al-Barran) No gender specified. The submitter desires a name authentic for the 9th Century Saxon/English language/culture and time period.
Æðeluulf: Sawyer Catalogue, S313 ( A.D. 854. Æthelwulf, king of Wessex, to St Peter and the Old Minster, Winchester; grant of 20 hides at Wanborough, Wilts. Signed by Æðeluulf, King of Wessex. The chosen spelling is from the non-Anglicized signature block of the King - "Æðeluulf Rex".
Munec: Reany & Wilson, pg 312, header "Monk" - Aylric Munec c. 1045.

2. A'isha bint Nishapur (Neyshabur). Resubmission of change of name from A'isha bint Asad Ud-Din.
(al-Barran) Gender: Female. Submitter cares most about the meaning of the name - "daughter of the city of Nishapur". She requests a name authentic for Arabic language/culture. If the name change is registered, she wishes to retain her present name as an alternate. Changes accepted.
The previous submission, A'isha bint al-Miraayaat, was returned on the January 2007 Letter of Response for lack of documentation.
Sources noted on name submission form:
1. The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed. (  - what this is documenting is not made clear.
2. High Beam Encyclopedia ( - I can't get this link to work, and since I am not told what I am supposed to be looking for, I can't search the site.
3.  NNDB Tracking the World ( - a biographical article on Omar Khayyam (1048-1131) states that the poet was born in the city of Nishapur, Iran, and cites his full name as Hakim Abolfath Omar ebn Ibrahim Khayyam Nieshapuri.
4. The Metropolitan Museum of Art ( - I can't find this exact link - I got as far as the Timeline of Art History (toah) - but without knowing what I am supposed to be looking for, I can't find it.
5. Archnet Digital Library (  - I can get to the Dictionary of Islamic Architecture, but not to the specific cite...what is entry DIA0492? What should I be looking up?
6. Wikipedia ( - "Nishapur (or Neyshâbûr; نیشابور in Persian) is a town in the province of Khorasan in northeastern Iran, situated in a fertile plain at the foot of the Binalud Mountains, near the regional capital of Mashhad. Nishapur occupies an important strategic position astride the old Silk Road that linked Anatolia and the Mediterranean with China. On the Silk Road, Nishapur has often defined the flexible frontier between the Iranian plateau and Central Asia. The town derived its name from its reputed founder, the Sassanian king Shapur I, who is said to have established it in the 3rd century CE."
7. Encyclopedia Iranica ( - biographical article: "GHAZALI, ABU HAMID MUHAMMAD b. Muhammad Tusi (450-505/1058-1111), one of the greatest systematic Persian thinkers of medieval Islam and a prolific Sunni author on the religious sciences (Islamic law, philosophy, theology, and mysticism) in Saljuq times." (He lived in Nishapur.)

The words of the submitter: "Founded during the 3rd century by the Sassanian King Shapur I, Nishapur is a city strategically located on the silk road trade route. It rose to prominence artistically during the 9th century for pottery, glass, and textile production. It became a learning and artistic center to rival Baghdad. Torghul, first ruler of the Seljuk Dynasty, made his residence there in 1037. Omar Khayyam, famous poet and philosopher, was born there in 1048 and died there is 1131. Farid al-Din, considered one of the greatest Sufi mystic poets, was born there in 1142. His tomb is one of the city's current attractions. Ghazali, a great philosopher and writer of law treatises, studied, lectured, and taught at one of the colleges in Nishapur during his life (1058-1111). The son-in-law of Genghis Khan was killed in Nishapur in 1221. With this rich history of art, philosophy, poetry, and trade, I can think of not better place for an artisan such as myself to be from."

Documentation for the other name elements is not provided. Here is what was presented on the December 2006 LoP: "A'isha:  A'isha bint Abu Bakr was the daughter of Abu Bakr and a wife of Muhammad. Wives of the Prophet by Fida Hussein (Kazi Publications Inc, June 1979) is cited, but copies are not provided.  Copies from Wikipedia ( are included documenting A'isha, as well as several other random names that do not appear to have anything to do with this submission (if you are going to include photocopies, please enlighten me as to why they are included!); bint:  "daughter of" (ie A'isha bint Abu Bakr; see above)"

3. Brice of Carlisle. New name and device. Argent, a chevron embattled between six crosses patonce, one and two and two and one, azure.
(Drygestan). Gender: Male. Submitter cares most about the sound of the name. No major changes accepted.
Brice: Withycombe, 3rd ed. header Brice: "Brice and the diminutive Bricot were fairly common in England in the 13th and 14th C." and dates Brice to 1273 (from the Hundred Rolls).
Carlisle: Reaney & Wilson, The Origin of English Surnames (1967), ch. 17, "The Homes of Family Names", p. 347, header "Cumberland (county)":  13th: Carlisle (Carlile, Carlill, Carlyle).
"Also from Reaney & Wilson: though the submitted surname spelling is not actually dated, Odard de Carlyle 1158-64, Thomas de Karlisle 1310-11, and Adam Carlelle, Carlille 1363, 1370 - these suggest that Carlisle is a reasonable period variant."

4. Carloman Macht von Drachenfels. New name and device. Vert, two crescents pendant in chief increscent in foot Or.
(Rio de las Animas). Gender: Male. Submitter cares most about the spelling of the name, and requests a name authentic for 10th-11th century Frankish/German from the Rhine valley. Changes accepted.
Carloman: ( lists Carloman, King of Bayern (ca. 828-880); Encyclopedia Britannica, 1958 edition, vol.4 , pg 877, cites the same Carloman, king of Bavaria and Italy, and also three Frankish princes (d 754, 751-771, and d. 884) by that name.
Macht: the submitter's legal surname. A copy of his driver's license is included.
Drachenfels: Castles on the Rhine (no URL or bibliographical cite listed) infers that the Drachenfels is a hilltop along the Rhine, upon which today can be found the ruins of a castle.

5. Dermot of Kylharnon. Name and device resubmission. Per pale argent and vert, six roundels two, two, and two counterchanged.
(al-Barran) Gender: Male. No other boxes checked.
The previous submission, Dermod Killarney, was returned on the August 2006 Letter of Response for lack of documentation. The device was returned for lack of a name.
Dermot: "Names and Naming Practices in the Red Book of Ormond (Ireland 14th Century)" by Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn (, with two instances of this spelling in Irish contexts.
Kylharnon: is found in the July 2003 LoAR ( under Acceptances under the name "Anne Maguier of Kylharnon", which says about this locative: "No documentation was provided in the submission or the LoI for the element Kilarney. The College found evidence that the present location of Killarney in County Kerry, Ireland existed in period. The earliest Anglicized Irish example of this placename that was found was in Speed's The Counties of Britain (p. 282, map of "The Province of Mounster", map dated 1610), which lists the name of this location as Kylharnon." Not having a copy of Speed's "The Counties of Britain", this LoAR reference is the best we could find.  If anyone has documentation for the spelling Kilarney or Killarney, the submitter would prefer that.

6. Geua ingen Guy. New name and device. Azure, two crescents pendant in chief imcrescent in foot.
(Rio de las Animas). Gender: Female. The submitter cares most about the spelling of the name, and requests a name authentic for 12th-14th Century Gaelic or Saxon. She would like to keep "Geua" and "Guy"; "daughter of" may be ingen or filia. Changes accepted.
Geua: "Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames" by Talan Gwynek ( cites Geua as a variant of Geva (Genevieve), with examples from 1123 to 1212.
Guy:  "Men's Given Names from Early 13th Century England" by Talan Gwynek ( cites Guy as a masculine name dated to this time period.
ingen: "Quick and Easy Gaelic Names" by Sharon L. Krossa (, under "Spelling and Pronunciation", lists "ingen" as the pre-1200 AD nominative case of "daughter".
filia: University of Notre Dame Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid ( defines "Filia" to mean "daughter".

7. Lochlan mac Hay. New name and device. Argent, between three escutcheons gules, on a fess azure a wolf's head erased argent.
(Caerthe) Gender: Male. The submitter cares most about the sound of the name. No major changes accepted.
Lochlan: Black, The Surnames of Scotland, p. 410 (header LACHLAN) - heir of Fergus of Galloway a. 1166 (LSC., p. 19).ad.
Mac: Black, The Surnames of Scotland, p. 447 (header MAC)
Hay: Black, The Surnames of Scotland, p, 350 (header HAY) - Of William Hay >Constable, slain at Dupplin, 1332, a.d.

8. Natal'ia Georgievicha. Device resubmission. Argent, a chief rayonny azure.
The name was registered in January 2007.  The device, Argent, a chief rayonny azure, was returned on the same letter: "Unfortunately, this device must be returned for redraw as the line of division is not rayonny, nor is it any other period line of division that we could identify." This is a redraw.

9. Seale inghean Roibeárd. New name and device. Vert, on a bend bendwise two unicorns rampant addorsed argent, three threfoils palewise vert.
(al-Barran) Gender: Female. The submitter cares most about the language/culture of the name, defined as "Gaelic/Celtic". She wants the name to authentically mean "Shyla Robert's daughter" in 12th-14th century Irish. No major changes accepted.
Seale: no documentation provided that I could find (the two sources below are all that was cited).
inghean: "Quick and Easy Gaelic Names" by Sharon L. Krossa (, under "Spelling and Pronunciation", lists "inghean" as the post-1200 AD nominative case of "daughter".
Roibeárd: "Index of Names in Irish Annals" by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan ( lists Roibeárd as a masculine given name dated 1167-1608, with 35 occurrences. This spelling is the Early Modern Irish Gaelic (c1200-c1700) nominative form of the name.

10. Solveig Hakonsdóttir. New name and device. Azure, a drakar argent between three roundels and a base wavy Or.
(al-Barran) Gender: Female. The submitter cares most about the language/culture of the name (not specified). No major changes accepted.
Solveig: Geirr Bassi, The Old Norse Name, p. 15.; Academy of St. Gabriel report #3182 (
Hakonsdóttir: Academy of St. Gabriel report, number unknown (email to submitter from the Academy): "A 10th century king who had been fostered to the English king AEthelstan was identified around 960as <Ha/kon konungr A{dh}alsteins fo/stri> "King Hakon AEthelstan's fosterling". (Here the slash repreenets an acute accent over the previous letter.) The name continued in use, so we can recommend <Ha/kons do/ttir> as a fine byname."
The suffix -dóttir "daughter" is added to the genitive case of the father's given name (Geirr Bassi p. 17) There is no specifc genetive given for names ending in "kon" in Geirr Bassi, but the St. Gabriel letter supports this name.

Thus ends the June 2007 Letter of Presentation. 

Your servant,

Francesca di Pavia
Castle Herald

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July 2007 Letter of Response
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