Last modified: June 14, 2006

Outlands College of Heralds

27 May 2006

From the Office of Rampart Herald
Furukusu Masahide (John Newton)

Unto the Outlands College of Heralds, the esteemed submitters, and all others who come by these letters, on this 27th day of May 2006, A.S. XL, does Furukusu Masahide, Rampart Herald, send greetings.

My deepest gratitude to those who took time to send internal commentary: Canute, Conrad (Aspen Herald), Gwain of Miskbridge (Green Anchor Herald), Ines, Lyonnete du Soleil, Marie du Blois, Sorcha (Whitestag Principle Herald), Timothy O'Brien (Trefoil Herald), Tyr.

Line Emblazon Sheet
Color Emblazon Sheet
April 2006 Letter of Presentation
May 2006 Letter of Response
May 2006 Letter of Intent
September 2006 LoAR Results
Return to the Rampart home page.

The following items were sent on to Laurel for final determination:

  1. Blackwater Keep, Shire of. Letter of Correction for Branch Device/Badge.
  2. Hélène Boudin. New Name.
  3. Kaspar Morgengras. New Name and Device. Azure semy of harps, on a bend argent a natural tiger's head affronty sable, orbed and langued gules.
    Blazon changed from Azure semy of harps, on a bend argent a natural tiger's head affronty sable, orbed and langued gules to Azure semy of harps, on a bend argent a natural tiger's head affronty palewise sable to indicate the orientation of the head and to remove the unneeded detail of orb and langue.
  4. Kieran Blake. New Device. Per pale argent and azure, a masculyn counterchanged.
  5. Kieran Blake. New Badge. Azure, on a flame Or a heart gules, a bordure embattled Or.
    Blazon changed from Azure, within a bordure embattled Or, on a flame Or, a heart gules to Azure, on a flame Or a heart gules, a bordure embattled Or to simplify and correct word order.
  6. Liu Yuan Ming. New Name and Device. Sable, pagoda within a dragon in annulo Or.
  7. Lijsbet uande Visschereye. Change of Primary Name.
  8. Madeleine de Seraucourt. New Name.
  9. Mari the Far Travelled. New Device. Per bend azure and vert a pegasus couped at the shoulder contourny between three compass stars Or.
  10. Saito Shintarou Takauji. New Name.
  11. Simon Montgumery. Resubmission of Badge. (Fieldless) A compass rose argent charged with a capital letter S gules.
    Blazon changed from A compass rose argent charged with a capital letter S gules to (Fieldless) A compass rose argent charged with a capital letter S gules to indicate the fieldlessness of the badge.

The following items were returned for further work:

  1. Ailinn Shadowfox. Device Resubmission. Argent, within a bordure engrailed enpoint of trefoils vert, a fox's mask sable.

    Originally returned for conflict on the April 2005 Letter of Reply.
    This redesign clears the previously noted conflicts.

    Commenters indicate that there is a conflict with the following device:
    Katharine Wulfesege, April of 1992 (via Atlantia): Argent, a wolf's head cabossed sable within an orle of vines vert. One CD for change of type of secondaries.
    Commenters discussed the change of the complex line of division change, in this case a bordure engrailed, and determined that this falls under Rfs. X.4.e. Type Changes which states "Significantly changing the type of any group of charges placed directly on the field, including strewn charges or chargers overall, is one clear difference." This rule further states "…since the edge partition line of a charge is part of its type, the change from a pale wavy to a pale embattled is one clear difference. Changing from a pale wavy to a fess embattled is also one change of type, not a change of type plus a change of edge partition." This renders the addition of the line of division moot, and results in a single change from a orle to a bordure.
    Commenters also suggested that the recent registration of the conflicting device may allow for a letter of permission to conflict.
    Device returned for conflict.

  2. Kieran Blake. New Badge. (Fieldless) A masculyn argent

    Name passed on February 2005 LoAR

    Conflict with Teceangl Bach, registered December of 2000: (Fieldless) A mascle argent. One CD for Fieldlessness.
    Badge returned for conflict.

  3. Vasilii Volchogo Zuba syn. Resubmission of Device. Per pale vert and sable three chevronels ermine.

    Name passed on April 2004 LoAR.
    Returned for conflict on April 2004 LoAR.
    This is a complete redesign of the device.

    This submitter has relocated from the Outlands to the Middle Kingdom since the time the original device, returned on the April 2005 LoAR, was submitted. The device resubmission paperwork indicates that the submitter's address is clearly within the Middle Kingdom. The Administrative Handbook of the College of Arms of the Society for Creative Anachronism, section IV - General Procedures for Submissions - part B - Kingdom of Residence - states:

    Submissions must be made through the appropriate heraldic officers as defined by the kingdom of which the submitter is a subject according to Corpora and Board policy. A submission already in process above the local level when a submitter leaves a kingdom may continue to be processed by the kingdom of origin until it is registered or returned by Laurel. In this case any resubmissions must be made through the new kingdom.

    This device is returned for violation of Administrative Handbook IV.B.

  4. Vasilii Volchogo Zuba syn. New Badge. Vert, on a pale sable fimbriated three bears passant argent.

    Name passed on April 2004 LoAR.

    The submission paperwork indicates that the submitter's address is within the Middle Kingdom, not the Outlands. The Administrative Handbook of the College of Arms of the Society for Creative Anachronism, section IV - General Procedures for Submissions - part B - Kingdom of Residence - states:

    Submissions must be made through the appropriate heraldic officers as defined by the kingdom of which the submitter is a subject according to Corpora and Board policy. A submission already in process above the local level when a submitter leaves a kingdom may continue to be processed by the kingdom of origin until it is registered or returned by Laurel. In this case any resubmissions must be made through the new kingdom.

    This badge is returned for violation of Administrative Handbook IV.B.
    This issue should have been caught at the local level where this submission was initially accepted. To assist the submitter in re-submitting this badge through the Middle Kingdom, Rampart has requested, and it has been approved by Whitestag, that the local group issue a refund check of the submission fee of $11 to the submitter, instead of simply relying on Administrative Handbook IV.D which allows for resubmission within one year of the latest notification of return at no additional cost.

Thus ends my Letter of Response.

In service and duty,

Furukusu Masahide
Rampart Herald

Line Emblazon Sheet
Color Emblazon Sheet
April 2006 Letter of Presentation
May 2006 Letter of Response
May 2006 Letter of Intent
September 2006 LoAR Results
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