Last modified: December 27, 2005
From the Office of Rampart Herald
Furukusu Masahide (John Newton)
Unto Elisabeth de Rossingol, Laurel Queen of Arms, Margaret MacDuibhshithe, Pelican Queen of Arms, Jean Marie Lacroix, Wreath Queen of Arms, and the College of Arms, upon this 27th day of December 2005, A.S. XL, does Furukusu Masahide, Rampart Herald, send greetings.
Unless otherwise noted, submitters accept all changes, desire a name with the common sense gender, and have no requests for authenticity. My deepest gratitude to those who took time to send internal commentary: Cnute, Pendar the Bard, Bronwen (Lambent Herald), and Gwain of Miskbridge (Green Anchor Herald)
Please also note the following addendum to the Outlands November 2005 LoI, item #3, Alexander MacAndrew. The submitter's primary name of Sekimura no Minamoto Akiranaga was registered on December 1995 LoAR and that he wishes to keep his primary name if the name Alexander MacAndrew is registered.
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November 2005 Letter of Presentation
December 2005 Letter of Response
December 2005 Letter of Intent
April 2006 LoAR Results
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The following items were sent on to Laurel for final determination:
The following items were returned for further work:
Client will not accept major changes to the name and desired gender is feminine.
All three names come from Paul Goldschmidt's "Dictionary of Period Russian Names" (
Anastasiia is the fem. form of Anastasii and means "arisen, resurrected." Anastasia (Client's preferred spelling) is dated to 1187 and the name is noted as being the lover of Oleg Nastas'ich ( under Metronymics).
Vladimirovicha - Derived from the masculine noun Vladimir which means "to rule the land". Feminine names in Russian must agree with the byname in gender. Done by adding an "a" to the end of the name. This was also done to "-vich" names. Vladimirovich is dated to 1174 (Great Prince Iurii Vladimirovich).
Commenters state that the formation of this name with Alzhbetina is not clear. Double given names are appropriate in Russian if one was a baptismal name and one a "pagan" name, but the order of the names makes the intent of Alzhbetina unclear. Commenters suggest that perhaps the client desired "Anastasia Alzbhetina Vladimirovicha." Changing the name to this form would constitute a major change, so the name is being returned for rework. The client should take care to provide documentation for Alzhbetina on resubmission. The client should also note to make their documentation clearer. Several commenters indicated that they could not find the spelling of Anastasia requested on the website and Rampart was only able to locate the sources by comparing the text of the submission, which appears to be cuts and pastes from various locations within the site instead of a printout of a page or section of the site, to the website. Please include a better description of the location of the documentation on resubmission, including the specific URL sited from, and the section header the information is taken from.
Device is being returned for lack of name with which to send it forward. Commenters indicate that the device appears to be clear of conflict. The client should draw the cotises wider on resubmission, as these charges are close to being too thin to identify (which can itself be a reason for return).
Name returned on December 2005 LoR.
Conflicts with An Tir, Kingdom of, registered August of 1979 for the Order of the Silver Rose: (Fieldless) A rose argent, barbed and seeded, slipped and leaved, proper. One CD for fieldlessness only.
Conflicts with York, House of, registered in December of 1994 as important non-SCA badge: (Fieldless) A rose argent. One CD for fieldlessness only.
Conflicts with BaIain Alisdair Padruig Seamus Andrea Stilbhard MacMhurich de Rannocha, registered August of 1979: Gyronny of eight or and gules, a rose argent barbed and seeded proper. One CD for fieldlessness only.
Returned for multiple conflicts.
Client cares most about the language/culture (Irish) and desired gender is male.
O'Corrain & Maguire - "Irish Names" pg 100 (1990 ed.) He would like the spelling of his name Fynn instead of Finn as on pg.100. Herald could not find "of" Blarney in proper form, which was something else the client wanted. He will accept the above as is and the spelling "Finn" as an alternate if the desired form cannot be accepted.
Commenters could not find "Fynn" as an anglicized version of "Finn." If the client can find "Fynn" as an anglicized version of the name, the general construction should not be an issue. No documentation was included for Blarney
Name Returned for rework.
Conflict with Eric von Charlottenburg, registered October of 1984: Vert, a pall inverted between three mullets of four points argent. One CD per RFS.X.4.e. for changing the type of all secondaries.
Client should draw the pall wider.
Changed from Per Pall vert and argent two rocks and one knowed reversed (knotted snake) (facing left) to the correct blazon of Vert, a pall inverted between two rocks and a serpent knowed argent.
Device returned for conflict.
Device passed on September 1995 LoAR as Per pall sable goutty d'eau, Or, and vert, a stag at gaze sable and a drawn bow nocked of an arrow Or.
Submitting Herald writes: Please change the blazon as needed to match the picture. The client very much wants the horse's legs to be under the body.
Commenters indicate that to the best of their knowledge the posture of the horse is not blazonable. Courant requires the horse's legs to be outstretched, statant requires all four feet on the ground, and passant allows for only one foot to be off the ground.
The Outlands College of Heralds cannot produce a blazon for this posture, as it does not appear be used in heraldry. Because no blazon can be defined for this posture, the device could not be reproduced from said non-existent blazon, resulting in a violation of Rfs VII.7. This can also be viewed as a violation of Rfs VIII.4.c which prohibits the use of animate objects in unheraldic postures.
Device returned for redraw.
Thus ends my Letter of Response.
In service and duty,
Furukusu Masahide
Rampart Herald
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Color Emblazon Sheet
November 2005 Letter of Presentation
December 2005 Letter of Response
December 2005 Letter of Intent
April 2006 LoAR Results
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