Last modified: December 27, 2005

Outlands College of Heralds

27 December 2005

From the Office of Rampart Herald
Furukusu Masahide (John Newton)

Unto Elisabeth de Rossingol, Laurel Queen of Arms, Margaret MacDuibhshithe, Pelican Queen of Arms, Jean Marie Lacroix, Wreath Queen of Arms, and the College of Arms, upon this 27th day of December 2005, A.S. XL, does Furukusu Masahide, Rampart Herald, send greetings.

Unless otherwise noted, submitters accept all changes, desire a name with the common sense gender, and have no requests for authenticity. My deepest gratitude to those who took time to send internal commentary: Cnute, Pendar the Bard, Bronwen (Lambent Herald), and Gwain of Miskbridge (Green Anchor Herald)

Please also note the following addendum to the Outlands November 2005 LoI, item #3, Alexander MacAndrew. The submitter's primary name of Sekimura no Minamoto Akiranaga was registered on December 1995 LoAR and that he wishes to keep his primary name if the name Alexander MacAndrew is registered.

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November 2005 Letter of Presentation
December 2005 Letter of Response
December 2005 Letter of Intent
April 2006 LoAR Results
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  1. Cydifor Goch ab Llygad. New Name and New Device. Sable, a tree blasted and eradicated argent, fructed and in base two horse heads couped respectant Or, orbed and langued gules.

    Client will not accept major changes to name, cares most about language/culture, desired gender is male and wishes name to be authentic for Welsh language/culture.
    All name elements come from
    Name means Cydifor (the) Red son Llygad.

    One commenter stated that while all individual name elements are documented in the reference, and names such as "Cydifor Goch" or "Cydifor ab Llygad" are clearly documented as having been used, the combination of a byname and a patronymic is not clear from this source.
    Commenters indicated that they did not realize that the tree was fructed until seeing the color version of the emblazon and/or reading the blazon. The client is advised to draw the fruits unnaturally large so they can be identified. The client should be aware that a default tree is an oak tree, which makes the fruit acorns.
    Commenters also indicate that the horses' heads are not cabossed. Cabossed heads are full-faced with a neck that does not show.
    Blazon changed from Sable, a tree blasted and eradicated argent, fructed and in base two horse heads cabossed Or, orbed and langued gules to Sable, a tree blasted and eradicated argent, fructed and in base two horse's heads couped respectant Or, orbed and langued gules to account for the type of horses' head.

  2. Gabriela Wende. New Name.

    Client will not accept major changes, cares most about language/culture (English/German/Slavic) and desired gender is female.
    "Wende" is found as a surname in Bahlow, Hans "Deutsches Nameslexikon as translated by Edda Gentry, German Names", page 543, (paperback edition) under the header Wendt, citing knight Heinrich Wende, Sil. 1336. No documentation included.
    Gabriela is the submitter's legal given name - a copy of her driver's license is enclosed.

  3. Johannus Rodenwerper. New Name and New Device. Argent, a pink flamingo proper, within a bordure dovetailed sable.

    Client cares most about the language/culture of the name (doesn't specify which culture but I would assume German) and the gender is male. Will not accept a holding name.
    Johannes - He would like to keep this spelling Ref. of various spellings are in "Deutsches Namenlexikon" (1998) Ursula Bahlow. Pg 264 and "Dictionary of German Names", 2nd Ed., Hans Bahlow, Pg 251. He will accept "Johannes" as last resort.
    Rodenwerper - "Dictionary of German Names", 2nd Ed., Hans Bahlow, Pg VI. Ref. appearing in Hanover & Baunschweig as early as 1300, 1436 in Kiel.

    One commenter indicated that their version of Bahlow, the 1993 English translation, does not include "Rodenwerper" on or anywhere else within the book. Rampart has two versions of the book, the 1967 and the 1985 German versions, which do not have a roman numeral pagination scheme anywhere in the books. Rampart does not read German, but on a review of the first portion of the text Rampart could not find reference to "Rodenwerper." Rampart is forwarding this to Laurel in the hopes that another member of the College may have the version of the text referred to by the client.
    Commenters indicate that it may be more appropriate to blazon this charge as a pink flamingo statant, sinister leg raised proper.
    The client should draw the border wider.
    Blazon changed from Argent, a flamingo proper pink, within a dovetail border sable to Argent, a pink flamingo proper, within a bordure dovetailed sable to correct word order.

Thus ends my Letter of Intent.

In service and duty,

Furukusu Masahide
Rampart Herald

Line Emblazon Sheet
Color Emblazon Sheet
November 2005 Letter of Presentation
December 2005 Letter of Response
December 2005 Letter of Intent
April 2006 LoAR Results
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