Last modified: November 27, 2005

Outlands College of Heralds

27 November 2005
From the Office of the White Stag Principal Herald
Lady Sorcha MacLeod

UNTO the Outlands College of Heralds, our respected friends and colleagues who give freely of their time to provide commentary, and all others who come by these letters, on this Letter of Presentation, on the 27th day of November A.S.XXXX (2005 CE), does Lord Cameron deBlakstan send greetings on behalf of Lady Sorcha MacLeod, White Stag Principal Herald.

Anyone may comment upon the items found herein, and e-mail commentary to the Rampart address is encouraged. Please have comments on items contained herein to Rampart, Furukusu Masahide-dono by 17 December, 2005, for the White Stag decision meeting tenatively scheduled for 18 December.

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November 2005 Letter of Presentation
December 2005 Letter of Response
December 2005 Letter of Intent
April 2006 LoAR Results
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I present the following items for your consideration:

1.  Anastasia Vladimirovicha Alzhbetina.  New Name, Device and Badge.
Device - Gules a chevron ermine cotised Or and in base a rose argent barbed and seeded sable.
Badge - Fieldless a double rose argent barbed of ermine spots and seeded sable.
(Bloodstone Keep)
Client will not accept major changes to the name and desired gender is feminine.
All three names come from Paul Goldschmidt's "Dictionary of Period Russian Names"
Anastasiia is the fem. form of Anastasii and means "arisen, resurrected."  Anastasia (Client's preferred spelling) is dated to 1187 and the name is noted as being the lover of Oleg Nastas'ich.
Vladimirovicha -  Derived from the masculine noun Vladimir which means "to rule the land".  Feminine names in Russian must agree with the byname in gender.  Done by adding an "a" to the end of the name.  This was also done to "-vich" names.  Vladimirovich is dated to 1174 (Great Prince Iurii Vladimirovich).

2.  Cydifor Goch ab Llygad.  New Name and Device.  Sable, a tree blasted and eradicated argent, fructed and in base two horse heads cabossed Or, orbed and langued gules.
Client will not accept major changes to name, cares most about language/culture, desired gender is male and wishes name to be authentic for Welsh language/culture.
No documentation provided
All name elements come from
Name means Cydifor (the) Red son Llygad.

3.  Fynn of Blarney.  New Name and Device.  Per Pall vert and argent two rocks and one knowed reversed (knotted snake) (facing left)
(Bloodstone Keep)
Client cares most about the language/culture (Irish) and desired gender is male.
O'Corrain & Maguire - "Irish Names" pg 100 (1990 ed.)  He would like the spelling of his name Fynn instead of Finn as on pg.100.  Herald could not find "of" Blarney in proper form, which was something else the client wanted.  He will accept the above as is and the spelling "Finn" as an alternate if the desired form cannot be accepted.
No documentation was provided.

4.  Gabriela Wende.  New Name.
(Hawks Hollow)
Client will not accept major changes, cares most about language/culture (English/German/Slavic) and desired gender is female.
"Wende" is found as a surname in Bahlow, Hans "Deutsches Nameslexikon as translated by Edda Gentry, German Names", page 543, (paperback edition) under the header Wendt, citing knight Heinrich Wende, Sil. 1336.  No documentation included.
Gabriela is the submitter's legal given name - a copy of her driver's license is enclosed.  It si also found as the Latin root for medieval feminine names Gabrielle, Gabriel among others and occurred in some form within our period in German, English, French and Italian.  (No enclosed documentation for this.)

5.  Johannus Rodenwerper.  New Name and Device.  Argent, a flamingo proper pink, within a dovetail border sable.
(Bloodstone Keep)
Client cares most about the language/culture of the name (doesn't specify which culture but I would assume German) and the gender is male.  Will not accept a holding name.
Johannes - He would like to keep this spelling Ref. of various spellings are in "Deutsches Namenlexikon" (1998) Ursula Bahlow.  Pg 264 and "Dictionary of German Names", 2nd Ed., Hans Bahlow, Pg 251.  He will accept "Johannes" as last resort.
Rodenwerper - "Dictionary of German Names", 2nd Ed., Hans Bahlow, Pg VI.  Ref. appearing in Hanover & Baunschweig as early as 1300, 1436 in Kiel.
No documentation provided.
Handwritten notes regarding the device was also included and read: pink flamingo (coat of arms) supporters Turks and Caicas Islands.
Chordita, Carribbean - discovered 1512 by Ponce de Leon - flamingos at this time.
also:  same website greater (pink) flamingo found Africa, Asia, Turkey, Spain, France.  (fossilized flamingo footprints in Andres Mountains.)

6.  Rand the Tracker of Oak Hollow.  Change of Device.  Sable, a mounted archer courant to sinister, maintaining a drawn bow and arrow to dexter argent.
(Hawks Hollow)
Device passed on September 1995 LoAR as "Per pall sable goutty d'eau, Or, and vert, a stag at gaze sable and a drawn bow nocked of an arrow Or."
Submitting Herald writes:  Please change the blazon as needed to match the picture.  The client very much wants the horse's legs to be under the body.

Thus ends the November 2005 Letter of Presentation.

In service and duty,

Cameron, Castle Herald

Line Emblazon Sheet
Color Emblazon Sheet
November 2005 Letter of Presentation
December 2005 Letter of Response
December 2005 Letter of Intent
April 2006 LoAR Results
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