Last modified: January 11, 2009

Outlands College of Heralds

30 December 2008

From the Office of Rampart Herald
Æðeluulf Munec (Jeff Phipps)

Line Emblazon Sheet
Color Emblazon Sheet
November 2008 Letter of Presentation
December 2008 Letter of Response
December 2008 Letter of Intent
May 2009 LoAR Results
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From your Æðeluulf, find these words addressed to Marie, White Stag Principal Herald. It is the hope that well wishes find all upon the celebration of Our Lady of Bethlehem. I would like to thank whole-heartedly the following heralds for providing commentary:

Ines Alfon; Einarr Grimsson, Red Hawk Herald; Rohese de Dinan, Shadowdale Pursuivant; Jacqueline de Meux; Gawain of Miskbridge, Green Anchor Herald; Randal Carrick, Castle Herald; Francesca di Pavia, Ray de Soleil Pursuivant; Eíbhlín; Violante d'Atayde; Eircc mac Ghillie Mhaolain

The following items have been sent to Laurel for final determination:

  1. Branwen ferch Gruffudd Rhodri. Device Resubmission. Sable, a vol and on a bordure argent nine aurum lillies gules.
  2. Skòg the Bastard. New Name & Device. Argent, a pile inverted throughout sable, a chief azure charged with a decrescent and an increscent Or.
  3. Trenette Genevieve Thibaudeau. New Badge. (Fieldless) A wingless sea-griffin contourny sable.
  4. Viviana Rowe. New Badge. (Fieldless) On a fleur-de-lis per pale sable and argent, a rose proper.
  5. Ziddina Ait Zumar. Resubmission of Device. Gules, a mascle vairy sable and argent.

The following items have been returned for further work:

  1. Rowena of Greystone. New Name and Device. Azure, a winged wolf rampant ermine superior to a stone.

    The name Rowena was deemed no longer SCA Compatible on the September 2007 Letter of Accecptance and Return. This means that without actual documentation of the use of this name by humans in period, it was henceforth disallowed in May 2008. The documentation provided on the Letter of Intent surmised that the name might have been used, but was never recorded in any records currently known to the College of Arms, so thus is insufficient.

    Additionally, the device is returned for conflict with Junella merch Beli (10/02, Ansteorra) Azure, a wolf rampant ermine maintaining a rose slipped and leaved Or. There are no clear differences for the maintained charges, and only one clear difference for the wings. Additionally, there was concern that an inability to clearly blazon the position of the wolf and the stone that this was not a proper heraldic posture, and should be revisited.

Inscribed this XXXth day of December, in the year of grace MMVIII, being the XLIII year of the Society.

Facio servitum
Æðeluulf munuc
Rampart Herald

Line Emblazon Sheet
Color Emblazon Sheet
November 2008 Letter of Presentation
December 2008 Letter of Response
December 2008 Letter of Intent
May 2009 LoAR Results
Return to the Rampart home page.