Last modified: October 01, 2007
Outlands College of Heralds
29 September 2007
From the Office of Rampart Herald
Ęšeluulf Munec (Jeff Phipps)
Line Emblazon Sheet
Color Emblazon Sheet
August 2007 Letter of Presentation
September 2007 Letter of Response
September 2007 Letter of Intent
January 2008 LoAR Results
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Unto the esteemed Elisabeth de Rossingol, Laurel Queen of Arms, Margaret MacDuibhshithe, Pelican Queen of Arms, Jean Marie Lacroix, Wreath Queen of Arms, and the College of Arms, does Æðeluulf Munec, Rampart Herald, send well-wishes of health and prosperity in these harvest months. I write you this day concerning the September Letter of Intent for the Kingdom of the Outlands.
- Conall MacNachtan - New Name & New Device
Per pale sable and argent, three bees counterchanged.
Client will not accept MAJOR changes, and cares most about the sound
[Conall] : Academy of St; Gabriel, "Index of Names in Irish Annals: Conall" by
Mari Elspeth nic Bryan lists Conall as an Early Modern Irish Gaelic
(c1200-c1700) nominative form.
[MacNachtan]: Black, Surnames of Scotland, p. 547, under the header MACNACHTAN
dates [John MacNachtan] to 1598 and [Gillecrist Mac Nachtan] to 1247
- Dearbháil inghean Léod - New Device
Argent, a pile sable fesswise two valknut purpure
The name associated with this device was submitted to Laurel in the May 2007 1 Letter of Response. The device had been returned at kingdom for redraw; this redraw corrects the size of the pile and the colouration issues brought up at that time.
- Meraudd Cethin - Acceptance of Transfer of Heraldic Title
Dreadde Naught Herald Extraordinary
Accecptance of Transfer of Heraldic Title "Dreadde Naught Herald Extraordinary"
from "Outlands, Kingdom of" to "Meraudd Cethin"
- Outlands, Kingdom of the - Resubmission of Heraldic Title
Castle Herald
Submitter has no desire as to gender.
The previous submission, Castel Herald, was returned on the February 2007 LoAR
for aural conflict with the kingdom of Castile. This resubmission documents the
spelling Castle, which should also have a different pronounciation. Castle
Herald follows the "heraldic charge" pattern of heraldic titles (rouge croix,
unicorn, etc.), and this spelling is found in the OED under the header "Castle"
in the following citations: 1564 BECON. Christ's Cron. (1844) 547 He entered
into a certain castle, where a certain woman called Martha made him a dinner.
1154 Ibid. an. 1140 He beset heom til hi aiauen ap here castles. 1597 Shaks.
Rich II iii.iii, 52 This castles tatter'd battlements. 1551 RECORDE (title), The
Castle of Knowledge. Castel Herald was returned for aural conflict with the
Kingdom of Castile, both of which are pronounced like "ca STEEL" or "ca STELL".
Castle, however, is pronounced like "CAS-@l", which should be different enough
in sound to clear this conflict.
- Outlands, Kingdom of - Transfer of Heraldic Title
Transfer of Heraldic Title "Dreadde Naught Herald Extraordinary" from "Outlands,
Kingdom of" to "Meraudd Cethin"
- Readstan, Canton of - Resubmission of Branch Device
Gules, a gryphon segreant argent, in base a laurel wreath Or
Branch Name was registered in March 2007, original device was returned with the
original name (Bloodstone Keep, Canton of) in August 2005.
- Thyræ úlfr
Per pale vert and sable, a wolf statant argent and a chief Or
The associated name was registered on the January 2006 LoAR. The device
encountered a possible conflict in its original return on the December 2004
Letter of Response. The device has changed the chief from embattled to plain.
...[T]here is a possible conflict with the device of Gabriel Rene Antoine du Renard, Azure, a fox passant argent grasping in its sinister forepaw a hunting horn, bell to sinister, and a chief embattled Or. There is one clear difference for the field. There may be one clear difference for the hunting horn, depending on how large it is. Gabriel's device was registered in 1981, and blazons from that time often did not clearly indicate how large such charges were. If it is large enough to be considered sustained (meaning, nearly as large as the fox), there is a clear difference for removing it in Thyra's device, but if it is small enough that it is maintained, there is no difference and the devices conflict. Unfortunately, there is little way to tell, other than sending it up to Laurel so that Laurel can check directly against Gabriel's file.
- Víga-Víkingr í Horni
Per bend sinister gules and sable, a horn Or and a dragon's head couped argent
The previous device submission, Per bend sinister gules and sable, a bend
sinister argent between a ram's horn Or and a dragon's head couped argent, was
returned in May 2006: "This device is returned for redraw. The bend sinister is
considerably too small; as the primary charge in the device, it should be drawn
accordingly. We haven't registered single diminutives of ordinaries, either by
blazon or emblazon, for decades. We recommend making the bend sinister wider, at
least one fifth as wide as the shield."
- Zafirah al-'Aliyya
Per bend sinister vert and sable, a crescent argent and a duck Or.
[Zafirah]: Juliana uses the documented spelling [Zafira], while the Digest uses
the submitters preferred (and undated) [Zafirah]. While perusing Da'ud's article
for the submitter's cognomen, it appears that the transliteration can alternate
between [a] and [ah] without trouble, so this change should be acceptable.
[al-'Aliyya]: found in Da'ud under the header "Feminine Cognomens used as Isms".
Additonally, the blazon has been updated to reflect the duck's positioning as an
animal 'underway'.
This ends the September Letter of Intent, dated this 29th day of September in the year of grace 2007, being the forty-second year of the society, during the celebration of Michael and All Angels. I remain in service to Crown and Laurel Sovereign.
Rampart Herald
Line Emblazon Sheet
Color Emblazon Sheet
August 2007 Letter of Presentation
September 2007 Letter of Response
September 2007 Letter of Intent
January 2008 LoAR Results
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