Last modified: June 26, 2007

Outlands College of Heralds

27 June 2007

From the Office of Rampart Herald
Furukusu Masahide (John Newton)

Unto Elisabeth de Rossingol, Laurel Queen of Arms, Margaret MacDuibhshithe, Pelican Queen of Arms, Jean Marie Lacroix, Wreath Queen of Arms, and the College of Arms, upon this 27th day of June 2007, A.S. XLII, does Furukusu Masahide, Rampart Herald, send greetings.

Unless otherwise noted, submitters accept all changes, desire a name with the common sense gender, and have no requests for authenticity. My deepest gratitude to those who took time to send internal commentary: Aethelwulf Muenc, Anpliça Fiore (Compass Herald), Breichiol map Lludd o Fannuac, Cnut, Gwain of Miskbridge (Green Anchor Herald), Ines Alfón (Saker Herald), Marie de Blois (White Stag), Pipa Sparkes (Axed Root Pursuivant), Rohese de Dinan (Shadowdale Pursuivant), and Ursula Georges (Loyall Pursuivant).

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It is our intent to register the following items:

  1. Angel d'Auvergne. Name Resubmission and Device Resubmission. Ermine, a horse rampant purpure, on a chief sable three fleurs-de-lys argent.

    No gender specified. No other boxes checked.
    The previous submission, [Angel MacBridghe], was returned on the October 2006 LoAR:

    "As submitted, this name is two steps from period practice. First, it mixes English and Gaelic. Second, it uses a Gaelic matronymic. The given name is dated to the 16th C in England, so for a temporally consistent name we would suggest a late 15th C or 16th C Scots form of MacBride or a 16th C Anglicization of the Irish mac Giollabhrighde. Black, The Surnames of Scotland, s.n. MacBride, has Makilbred, Makgilbred, M'Gilbrid 1489-90, and M'Ilvreidin 1612. Woulfe, Irish Names and Surnames, s.n. Mac Giolla Bhríghde, lists M'Gillebridy, M'Gillvrid, M'Killbridy, and M'Elvride as Anglicizations from the late 16th and early 17th C. We would change the patronymic to one of these forms, but the submitter will not accept major changes such as the change in a language. In addition, Mac Bridghe and Mac Giolla Bhrighde are significantly different in sound and appearance, so we cannot change the patronymic to an appropriate Gaelic form." The device was returned for lack of a name with which to associate it, since a holding name was not acceptable to the client.

    [Angel]: The submission form cites "Oxford Dictionary of English Surnames" (pg 11). This appears to be a new printed title of "A Dictionary of English Surnames" by Reaney & Wilson. R&W, however, state that the name is a surname. Withycombe's "Oxford Dictionary of Christian Names" lists this as a 16th C. male name from Cornwall, with a 13th C. version as "Angelo". One commenter indicates that Duzat's entry for [Ange, Angel] says that the name is an old baptismal name (no specific referenced text was mentioned).
    [d'Auvergne]: Academy of St. Gabriel report 1719 ( states that "Auvergne" is recorded in the 11th-12th Century. Presumably this place still existed in the 16th C, but Rampart has no access to _Table des Noms Propres de toute nature compris dan les Chansons de Geste_ by Ernest Langlois that the report references.

  2. Domingo Diaz de la Vega. New Badge. Sable, on a pale Or a cross of Santiago gules, two scallops Or.

    The name was registered in April 2000.
    Some commenters felt this was poor style, and that the client should elongate the cross and use six scallops, but poor style is not necessarily a reason for return.

Thus ends my Letter of Intent.

In service and duty,

Furukusu Masahide
Rampart Herald

Line Emblazon Sheet
Color Emblazon Sheet
May 2007 Letter of Presentation
June 2007 Letter of Response
June 2007 Letter of Intent
October 2007 LoAR Results
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