Last modified: May 08, 2006

Outlands College of Heralds

27 April 2006

From the Office of Rampart Herald
Furukusu Masahide (John Newton)

Unto Elisabeth de Rossingol, Laurel Queen of Arms, Margaret MacDuibhshithe, Pelican Queen of Arms, Jean Marie Lacroix, Wreath Queen of Arms, and the College of Arms, upon this 27th day of April 2006, A.S. XL, does Furukusu Masahide, Rampart Herald, send greetings.

Unless otherwise noted, submitters accept all changes, desire a name with the common sense gender, and have no requests for authenticity. My deepest gratitude to those who took time to send internal commentary: Aryanhwy (Albion Herald), Caelan MacKinnon, Gwain of Miskbridge (Green Anchor Herald), Gwentliana filia Iohannes, Knute, Margaret Hepburn, Naitan de Yerdeburc, Ursula Georges.

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It is our intent to register the following items:

  1. Ambrose atte Redehulle. New Device. Argent, three piles azure, overall an elephant gules.

    Name passed on July 2005 LoAR.

  2. Ambrose atte Redehulle. New Badge. Fieldless, an elephant head trumpeting erased gules.

    Name passed on July 2005 LoAR.

  3. Cassia bint Abdullah. New Name and New Device. Gules, a chevron inverted and in chief a lotus flower affronty argent.

    Submitter will not accept any changes to name. Gender is female. Desires authenticity for 14th century Turkish.
    Cassia - Found in Jewish Women's Names in an Arab Context: Names from the Geniza of Cairo by Juliana de Luna (
    bint Abdullah - Found in Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 3084 ( "...In the Ottoman empire, former slaves and other converts to Islam used the conventional patronymic ..."

    Blazon changed from Gules, an inverted chevron and in chief a lotus flower argent to Gules, a chevron inverted and in chief a lotus flower affronty argent to properly describe the chevron and the orientation of the flower.

  4. Cú Roí Ó Duibhir. New Name and New Device. Per fess sable and vert, a wolf passant between three triquetras two and one argent.

    Submitter cares most about the sound of the name. Desired gender is Male. Submitter marked desire for having name be authentic for language and/or culture but didn't specify which one (assume Ireland).
    Cu Roi - Irish Names by Ó Corrain & Maguire p. 65 header spelling
    ÓDuibhir - Surnames of Ireland by MacLysaght p. 94 (ÓDwyer header)

    Commenters indicate that the Irish Names entry documents <Cú Roí> and is dated to 871. Surnames of Ireland indicates <Ó Duibhir> (note the space), but commenters also indicate that Surnames generally uses modern spellings.

    Name changed from <Cu Roi ÓDuibhir> to <Cú Roí Ó Duibhir> to match the documented forms.

  5. Gere Thorkelsson. New Name.

    Submitter will not accept major changes, cares most about the sound of the name and desired gender is male.
    Gere - Taken from The Viking Answer Lady site ( Found in Old Danish as Geri, in Old Swedish as Gere, and in OW.Norse as Geiri. This name is a short form of masculine names in Geir- or -geirr, and also occurs as a weak side form of the name Geirr.
    Thorkell - The Laxdaela Saga ( Chapter LII, The Killing of Thorkell of Goat Peaks. Online Medieval and Classical Library Release #32. The Laxdeala Saga is dated on the site to about 1245 C.E. Patronymic naming convention utilized per instructions found at The Viking Answer Lady site (

    Note: The submitter did not provide a copy of the Viking Answer Lady site, which is understandable as attempting to print it froze and crashed my browser twice. The submitter did include a good summary including cuts from the site.

    Commenters indicate that The Old Norse Name by Geirr Bassi, p. 17, makes the patronymic <Thorkelsson>.

    Name changed from <Thorkellsson> to <Thorkelsson> to correct form.

  6. Iira Kazimir Zarubezhanin. New Name.

    Submitter will not accept major changes, cares most about the sound of the name and desired gender is male.
    All three names appear in A Dictionary of Period Russian Names by Wickenden.
    Iira - p.118: Iira(m) - vars: Jira syn Paulou 1480 [Mor 94]
    Kazimir - p.134: Kazimir(m) ancient Polish name Kazimir - Oleksandrov - 1498 [PKN IV 123]
    Zarubezhanin - p.413 - Zarubezhanin - Foreigner

    Commenters indicate that the surname does not appear in the 1994 edition of the cited text. Rampart does not have access to this volume.

Thus ends my Letter of Intent.

In service and duty,

Furukusu Masahide
Rampart Herald

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March 2006 Letter of Presentation
April 2006 Letter of Response
April 2006 Letter of Intent
August 2006 LoAR Results
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