Last modified: April 8, 2007
Outlands College of Heralds
April 8, 2007
From the Office of the Castle Herald
Baronessa Francesca di Pavia, OP, OL
UNTO the Outlands College of Heralds, our respected friends and
colleagues who give freely of their time to provide commentary, and all
others who come by these letters, on
this 8th day of March, A.S. xxxxi (2007 CE), does Maestra
send greetings on behalf of The Honourable Lady Marie de Blois, White
Stag Principal
Here follows the Kingdom of the Outlands Letter of Presentation for
April 2007. Your comments and suggestions
are always welcome. Errors found herein are
undoubtedly mine.
Anyone may comment upon the items found herein, and e-mail
commentary to the Rampart address is encouraged. Please have comments
on items contained herein to Rampart, Furukusu Masahide-dono,
by May 19, 2007, for the Rampart decision meeting tentatively
scheduled for May 20, 2007.
HELP YOUR LOCAL CASTLE HERALD DEPT.: Please make sure your armory
drawings (line drawings especially) are dark! I've been getting forms
where the drawings are so light that my scanner doesn't even pick them
up. If in doubt, go over the entire thing with an ultra-fine-point
black Sharpie marker. And ONLY use Crayola classic markers to
color devices (no colored pencils, please)! Anything else may produce
funky colors - and that could be grounds for return.
Please do not simply cite a URL. Give the name of the article you
are citing - makes it a lot easier for me to find if I can't read your
handwriting on the URL. Please
print clearly. My eyes are old and need all the help they can
get. And tell me what is on the page that you want us to see!!! It's
not my job to tease out the information, but merely to report it. I'm
not going to knock myself out to try to see what you saw if you don't
tell me what you saw. My crystal ball is very finicky and spends a lot
of time in the shop. Please do not rely upon it.
Emblazon Sheet
Emblazon Sheet
2007 Letter of Presentation
2007 Letter of Response
2007 Letter of Intent
2007 LoAR Results
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I present the following items for your consideration:
1. Ambrosius Grief von Beck.
New name and device. Quarterly paly
bendy vert and argent and pily bendy sinister azure and argent, between
three suns in splendor Or a gryphon segreant sable.
(Nahrun Kabirun) Gender:
Male. The client cares most about the language/culture of the name,
stated to be 15th-16th century German/Holy Roman Empire. No major
changes accepted.
Ambrosius: "Medieval German Names from Sileisa" by Talan Gwynek (
dates this name to 1429.
Grief: the submittor states that this means Gryphon in German. No
documentation included.
von Beck: "German Names from 1495: Surnames A-G" by Aryanhwy merch
Catmael (
cites eight occurrences of the surname Beck. No documentation
is provided for von.
2. Celestina Sarti. New name
and device. Per pale azure and
gules, two Spanish Moon moths bendwise marked gules and a cat rampant,
all within a tressure Or.
(Caerthe) Gender: Female.
The client
cares most about the language/culture of the name, stated to be
Celestina: Academy of St. Gabriel Report 3138 (
cites one example of this name, dated to c. 1500.
Sarti: Academy of St. Gabriel Report 2542 (
cites this as a variant of Sartore often
found in Tuscany.
3. Dairine inghean Griogair.
New name and device. Per pale azure
and argent, an open book counterchanged and in chief three bees proper.
(Fontaine dans Sable) Gender:
Female. The client cares most about the spelling of the name "Dairine".
No major
changes accepted.
Dairine: Academy of St Gabriel Report 1393 (,
1105 (,
and 1487 (
cite Dáirine (with an accent, which is missing from the
sumbitted name) as an early Irish Gaelic feminine name, which dropped
out of use fairly early (pre-11th Century).
inghean Griogair: Academy of St Gabriel Report 1416 (
gives Griogair as a Gaelic
form of the Latin saint's name Gregorius.
inghean Griogair is the feminine patronymic byname formed using
masculine given name. The submitting herald requests help with the
Gaelic grammar, if necessary.
4. Dearbháil inghean
Léod. New name and device. Argent, a pile sable fesswise, two valknut
(Caerthe/Schola Metallorum) Gender:
Female. The client cares most about
the sound of the name. No major changes accepted.
Dearbháil: O'Corran and Maguire, Irish Names, 2nd edition,
pg. 71, under "Derbáil".
Léod: "A Simple Guide to Constructing 12th Century Scottish
Gaelic Names"
this as a neither common nor uncommon masculine name. Thus inghean
Léod means daughter
of Léod.
5. Iain MacConmhaoil. New
device. Per pale azure and sable, a
carpenter's hammer and an axe in saltire argent.
(Nahrun Kabirun)
The name was registered in March 1999
via Artemisia.
6. James of Essex. New device.
Gules, three natural dolphins in
annulo, a mullet erminois.
(Nahrun Kabirun)
The name was registered in January 2003
via Trimaris.
7. Jared of Midewinde. New
device. Per chevron vert and sable, a wolf
rampant to sinister argent, in chief three oak leaves Or.
(Dragonsspine) The name was registered in
8. Máire Dooley. New
name and device. Per bend vert and
azure, a sun in his splendor Or and a moon in her plenitude argent.
(Caerthe). Gender: Female.
The client cares most about the sound of the name. No major changes
Máire: "Index of Names in Irish Annals: Feminine Given Names" by
Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (
dates this name to 1351-1500. "Dated Names found in O'Corrain and
Maguire's Irish Names" by Mari Elspeth nuc Bryan (
dates the name to the 14th and 16th centuries.
Dooley: MacLysaght, Surnames
of Ireland, 4th ed. (paperback), p. 87, under heading (O)Dooley:
"O'Dubhlaoich) (dubh, black; laoch, hero or champion).
Originally of Westmeath this sept later became importand in the Ely
O'Carroll country. IF Map Offaly." While not specifically dated, this
entry seems to imply that this is a name that extends well back into
9. Robert Moffat. New
name and device. Per saltire azure
and gules, a saltire between two mullets in pale argent.
(Fontaine dans Sable) Gender:
Male. Client cares most about the language/culture of the name,
specified as 14th-16th century Scottish Borders.
Robert: "13th & 14th Century Scottish Names" by Symon Freser of
Lovat (
cites two examples of this name.
Moffat: "13th & 14th Century Scottish Names" by Symon Freser of
Lovat (
cites this name with this spelling.
10. Stephana Magnyn.
Name change resubmission for Lucrezia
(Gleann Medonach) Gender:
Female. Changes accepted. The submitter's current name, Lucrezia
Landino, was registered in July 2005. If the change is accepted, she
would like to keep her previous name as an alternate.
Stephana and Magnyn: "14th-16th C Names from Valais, Switzerland" (
The documentation states: "The following names are taken from 14th-16th
century wills from Valais, Switzerland. The source divides the origins
of the wills into four categories: In the cities, in the villages of
the plain, in the villages of the slope, and in the mountains. (See
notes for a full list). The documents, and hence the names, are all in
Latin. The names appear to be most influenced by Occitan, though there
is some influence of French, Italian, and German. Because so many
different languages and dialects were spoken in this region, it is
impossible to give vernacular (spoken) forms; these Latin forms are
appropriate for written contexts or other contexts where Latin was
used, but not for every day speech."
The name was returned on the September
2006 Letter of Response for lack of proper forms.
11. Tatiana Grigorevna Bez Kaidal.
New name.
(Nahrun Kabirun) Gender:
Female. The client cares most about the langualge/culture of the name -
what language/culture that is is not specified.
Tatiana: "A Dictionary of Period Russian Names" by Paul Wickenden of
Thanet (
cites this name as a variant of Tat'iana.
Grigorevna: "A Dictionary of Period Russian Names" by Paul Wickenden of
Thanet (
cites Grigor'evna as a
feminine patronymic form of the masculine given
name Grigorii and its
numerous variants. [I do not see a
form listed there without
the accent mark - Castle]
Bez Kaidal: "A Dictionary of Period Russian Names: Grammatical First
Elements and Themes" by Paul Wickenden of Thanet (
cites Bez- as a grammatical
first element meaning "without". [The
element Kaidal is not listed
there explicitly, and the submittor and
local herald do not provide any guidance about where to find it.
Perhaps all of you will do better than I did - Castle]
12. Thorsteinn Vandringsmann.
New device. Sable, a cross nowy
argent surmounted by an elder futhark rune mannaz sable.
The name was registered in September 1995.
13. Valentinos Akrites. New
name and device. Per pale argent and
Or, a bordure and a wyvern purpure.
(Nahrun Kabirun). Gender:
Male. The client cares most about the sound of the name.
Valentinos: "Common Names of the Aristocracy in the Roman Empire During
the 6th and 7th Centuries: Masculine Names Alphabetically" (
cites this name with the spelling "Valentinus". The submitting herald
notes that most Greek names ending in "os" translate to Latin as "us".
Akrites: "Digenes
Akrites": New Approaches to Byzantine Heroic Poetry, Roderick
Beaton and David Ricks, ed., reviewed in Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies
(Medieval Academy of America, Cambridge, MA, April 1996, vol. 71, no.
2) indicates that Akrites
means The Borderer.
14. Ziddina Ait Zumar. Device
resubmission. Gules, a lozenge
fesswise indented vairy argent and sable, voided.
(Hawk's Hollow)
Name registered April
2004. Her first device submission, Vert, on a lozenge indented Or a lozenge
gules, was returned on the November
2005 LoAR: "This device is
returned for a redraw. The indents are numerous enough and shallow
enough that the line of division appears to be created by pinking
shears. This type of line of division has long been grounds for return.
Overall, this device has the appearance of modern Southwestern art
rather than medieval heraldry. Fewer, larger indents would reduce the
modern appearance of this device as would drawing the lozenge in the
standard orientation (palewise, rather than fesswise)." The
previous resubmission, Vert, a lozenge indented Or, charged with a
lozenge gules, was returned on the September
2006 LoR for conflict.
Thus ends the April 2007
Letter of Presentation.
Your servant,
Francesca di Pavia
Castle Herald
Emblazon Sheet
Emblazon Sheet
2007 Letter of Presentation
2007 Letter of Response
2007 Letter of Intent
2007 LoAR Results
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