Last modified: March 27, 2006

Outlands College of Heralds

27 March 2006

From the Office of Rampart Herald
Furukusu Masahide (John Newton)

Unto Elisabeth de Rossingol, Laurel Queen of Arms, Margaret MacDuibhshithe, Pelican Queen of Arms, Jean Marie Lacroix, Wreath Queen of Arms, and the College of Arms, upon this 27th day of March 2006, A.S. XL, does Furukusu Masahide, Rampart Herald, send greetings.

Unless otherwise noted, submitters accept all changes, desire a name with the common sense gender, and have no requests for authenticity. My deepest gratitude to those who took time to send internal commentary: Ambrose atte Redehulle, Gwain of Miskbridge (Green Anchor Herald), Knute, Meradudd Cethin (Liber Herald), Timothy O'Brien (Trefoil Herald).

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It is our intent to register the following items:

  1. Ailleann inghean Fhiodhbhuidhe. New Device. Per bend sinister argent and azure, in bend sinister three butterflies bendwise sinister azure.

    Name registered on June 2004 LoAR.
    Blazon changed from Per bend sinister argent and azure bendwise sinister three butterflies azure to Per bend sinister argent and azure, in bend sinister three butterflies bendwise sinister azure to account for the layout and facing of the butterflies.

  2. Benedict Hawkins. New Device. Argent, a wolf sable and another gules combattant and a bordure per pale gules and sable.

    Name registered on November 2005 LoAR.

  3. Caer Galen, Barony of. New Order Name. Order of Saint William the Cooper.

    Submitter cares most about the sound.
    Per recent Laurel commentary, saints are an acceptable category of order names. William is a period English name and "cooper" is a period professional descriptive byname. If necessary, the Barony will accept either 1) the Order of the Chalice of Saint William or 2) the Order of Saint William. Both of these options follow accepted order naming conventions.

    Commenters indicate that they cannot find a reference in the Oxford Dictionary of Saints to a "St. William the Cooper." If this is intended as an imaginary saint, they believed that may be a weirdness. Rampart believes that this follows Rfs II.2 - Constructed Names and should be allowed without a weirdness.
    Extensive commentary was provided by one commenter:

    The order name follows the general meta-pattern of 'saint-name' with the more specific pattern of . There are multiple examples of and as order names named after saints, so it would be a small and logical step to permit as an extrapolated order name, given the saints which were known by that method. Examples include St. Brendan the Navigator (early Irish saint known primarily by the ninth century tale of his voyage "The Voyage of St. Brendan the Navigator"), St. Gregory the Illuminator (born c300 CE nad founder of the Armenian Apostolic Church), St. John the Baptist (not to be confused with St. John Baptist de la Salle), and several of the Apostles (known as "the Evangelist").

    Based on this evidence, I would conclude that there is possibly a single step from period practice, but certainly not more than one.

  4. Caerthe, Barony of. New Order Name. Order of the Keystone of the Golden Castle.

    Submitter will not accept major changes.
    Based on "Project Ordensnamen" by Meradudd Cethin, (, Order of of the is consistent with period order names and the tangible object of a keystone and a place like a castle was certainly known in our period. e.g. Oak, ship and the shell, etc. (the golden castle is an allegorical reference to the barony and its device). Specifically "Project Ordensnamen" uses the example "Star of the Noble House" (1351 AD) as referenced in the following sources: A. Badger's page on Order Names - ( B. Kwelland Njal's article on period order names from KWHS Proceedings. C. Catholic Encyclopedia - military orders - (

  5. Caerthe, Barony of. New Badge. , a keystone within a bordure embattled Or.

    For Order of the Keystone of the Golden Castle.

  6. Furukusu Tatsujirou Masahide. New Change of Device. Sable, a pine tree within a hexagon voided and fracted per pall, argent.

    Name passed on January 2005 LoAR.
    Original device passed on April 1995 LoAR. Azure, a massacre and in chief a rose argent, barbed vert and seeded gules.
    Original device should be changed to a badge on registration of this device.
    A letter giving permission to conflict with the device "Sable a hexagon voided within another argent" and written by al-Haadi abd-al-Malik Husam ibn Khalid (Registered March 1980) has been included.

  7. Giovanna di Meir. New Name and New Device. Argent, on a heart gules, a dragonfly argent, a chief gules.

    Submitter cares about the language/culture of the name, desired gender is female and is interested in the name being authentic for 16th c. Italian.
    Giovanna: Italian Renaissance Women's Names by Rhian Lyth of Blackmoor Vale ( dated to the 14th and 15th century.
    di Meir: A constructed surname off of Names of Jews in Rome in the 1550's by Yehoshua ben Haim haYerushalmi (, names were often a given name and patronymic joined by "di". The samples show both men's and women's names constructed this way. Meir is shown several times as a male given name.

  8. Gyda Magnusdotter. New Name.

    Submitter is interested in having the name be authentic for 10th-11th c. Sweden and the desired gender is female.
    "Gyda" Gyda Torkelsdotter (997-1069) mother of Harald and Tostig Godwinson. From a Swedish genealogy table at Also, Gyda Ingesdottir, daughter of King of Sweden c.1112 from
    "Magnusdotter" Magnus - King Magnus the Good of Norway, died 1047, name became popular after this. See Academy of Saint Gabriel report #1957 (
    dotter - Swedish patronymic for daughter of, "...Margareta Knuzdotter..." from "Swedish Feminine Names from ca. 1300" by Lindorm Eriksson at This usage is noted twice in the article for different father's names.

    The consulting herald notes that the spelling Gyda could only be found in genealogical sites, with the exception of a St. Gabriel article that appears to have been removed when they went to print the documentation. A spelling of Gyða was located in Nordiskt runnamnslexikon by Lena Peterson (translated by C.L. Ward) located at The local herald asks if Gyda is simply a normalized version of Gyða. The client would prefer Gyda, but will accept Gyða if no evidence can be found supporting a spelling of Gyda.
    The Nordiskt runnamnslexikon shows Gyða but does not date it.

    The use of genealogical references is suspect and precedent generally disallows its use. Having very little commentary, almost no experience with these types of names, and a client that allows any type of change (major and minor), I am forwarding this to the College of Heralds in hope that Laurel or other commenting heralds can provide the needed expertise on this name.

  9. Keridwen Andersdottir. New Change of Name.

    Submitter cares most about the sound of the name and the desired gender is female.
    Previous name "Keridwen Androsoun" was accepted by Laurel in February 1997.
    Submission was returned by Kingdom on the July 2005 LoR because submitter desired a more appropriate Viking Age name and further reasoning listed in commentary.
    Herald's Note: Client wishes to keep her registered personal name "Keridwen" and wishes to change her surname to some variation of "Andersdottir". The sound is most important to preserve. This spelling of Keridwen dates to the early 16th c. ("Concerning the Names of Ceridwen..." Arval Benicoeur The name "Anders" can be found through the early 16th c. as well - "Anders Margit" 1525, -Sveriges medeltida personnamn, s.n. "Andres" ( While the combination of languages is probably a weirdness, I would ask that my client not be further penalized with second weirdness for "Keridwen" since it is already grandfathered to her.
    The earlier commentary indicated that the combination of Welsh and Swedish together may be considered a weirdness, unregisterable, or registerable. I am requesting that Laurel and the College of Arms consider this issue.

  10. Magnus der Lescher. Name Resubmission.

    Name originally as Magnus Lawhammer and returned by on January 2005 LoAR :

    No documentation was submitted and none found suggesting that a byname combining the words laga and hamarr follows patterns for constructing Old Norse bynames.

    This is a completely different byname/surname.
    Submitter cares most about the meaning of the name: "of the fire watch" and the desired gender is male. He wishes the name to be authentic for 12th-13th c. Germanic.
    Magnus: Adolph Socin's Mittelhochdeutsches Namenbuch p.72 under fremde Taufnamen (Baptismal Names) list Magnus as a Nowegian pilgrim in 1162. p.193(ibid) lists Magnus as an old Germanic shortened name for Magnoald.
    der Lescher: Josef K. Brechenmacher's Etmologisches Wuuterbuch der Deutschen Familiennamen p.176 under the heading Lescher - MHG for nightly fire police 1261, 1267. The form 'Löscher' is also mentioned. If this is more correct, submitter will accept either form.
    Client would like to have an article between the forename and occupational byname (die, der, or de). The client prefers , as is shown on, with a reference to Rüdiger der Lescher dated to 1379, but will accept whichever article is correct.

  11. Margaida da Gama. Change of Holding Name.

    Holding name of Margaret of the Outlands registered on February 2001 LoAR . Submitter will not accept major changes, cares most about the sound of the name and desired gender is feminine.
    Margaida can be found in Portuguese Names from Lisbon, 1565 by Aryanhwy merch Catmael ( under feminine given names.
    da Gama can be found in the same article under surnames as a locative and toponymic surname occurring 5 times.

  12. Randal Carrick. New Badge. Argent, a sword purpure and overall a roundel sable charged with two pallets wavy argent.
  13. Robartach mac Lochlainn. New Name.

    Submitter cares most about the language/culture of the name and is interested in having it be authentic for 9th-12th c. Ireland. Gender is Male.
    Robartach: Irish Names by Donnchadh Ò Corràin and Fidelma Maguire p.156 (1992 ed.) under Robartach: "Robartach mac Màele huidir, abbot of Aghaboe, died in 836."
    mac: Irish Gaelic for 'son of ' - see above citation for dated usage.
    Lochlainn: Irish Names by Donnchadh Ò Corràin and Fidelma Maguire p.140 (1992 ed.) under Muirchertach "...Muirchertach Mac Lochlainn who was slain in 1166."

  14. Rowena Colebrok. New Name.

    Submitter will not accept major changes to name and cares most for the sound of the name. Desired gender of the name is female.
    Rowena is a literary name from Monmouth's History of the Kingdoms of Britain, and has been ruled SCA compatible.
    Colebrook is found in A Dictionary of English Surnames by Reaney and Wilson, p. 105 as an undated header form. The dated forms are 1160 and 1241, temporally consistent with Monmouth, and both name elements are English.

    Commenters indicate that A Dictionary of English Surnames cites "de la Colebrok" to 1241. This has the same pronunciation as <Colebrook> and is a dated form.
    Name changed from Rowena Colebrook to Rowena Colebrok to use a dated form of the surname.

  15. Svein hammar. New Name.

    Submitter cares most about the meaning of the name (Person who uses a hammer), desired gender is male, and is interested in name being authentic for Viking language and/or culture.
    Original name (Hammar Bowswayer) and device returned by Kingdom on May 2005 LoR, due to Hammar being documented as a byname, and not a given name.
    This resubmission has moved Hammar to be a byname.
    Svein and Bowswayer -
    hammar -
    byname structure -

    Commenters indicate that while the separate name elements have been accurately documented from the cited sources, Viking Bynames found in the Landnámabók by Aryanhwy merch Catmael ( does not provide any documentation that the use of double bynames was appropriate for Old Norse names. As none of the commenters were able to provide any additional insight into having multiple bynames. The name is being submitted to Laurel as Svein hammer, with the hope that the College of Heralds may have further information regarding a usage such as Svein hammer bowswayer.
    Name changed from Svein hammer Bowswayer to Svein hammer due to lack of additional documentation.

  16. Three Spires, College of. New Branch Name and New Branch Device. Sable, in fess three towers a chief embattled and in base a laurel wreath Or.

    If Collge of Three Spires cannot be registered the clients would like to perhaps be registered as "College de Trois".
    This name is based on a pattern of "College of " + + .
    "College of" + was used in period in 1180 when the College "dex Dix-Huit" was established (translated to the College of the Eighteen), according to the article "The Heritage of University Planning - Medieval Colleges" (
    The Oxford English Dictionary has the spelling "Spires" dated to at least the 13th century, with definitions of "a sharp point" dated to 1551 and "a tall structure rising from a tower, roof, etc., and terminating in a slender point" dated to 1596.
    The full pattern has been used in registrations of other college names within the Society, namely "Threebridges, College of: this branch name was registered in April 2001 (via Ansteorra).

  17. Wilhelm Galbreath. New Name and New Device. Per chevron sable and Or, a spear counter-changed, and in chief, two compass stars Or.

    Submitter cares most about the sound of the name, desired gender is male, and is interested in being authentic for 10th-13th c. German/Prussian.
    Wilhelm - German Given Names 1200-1250 by Talan Gwynek ( notes that Wilhelm is the fourth most common name in the listings.
    Galbreath - A Dictionary of English Surnames by Reaney and Wilson. under header "Galbraith, Galbreath"

    Commenters indicate that the sources indicate that Galbreath is a Scots name, not a German one, and hence cannot be made authentic. If the client wishes to be authentic for Germany, Etmologisches Wuurterbuch der Deutschen Familiennamen by Brechenmacher lists "Gilbrecht" on p. I:559, with dated spellings of "Giselbertus" from 1141. Deutschland Geographiche Namenwelt by Bahlow has an entry for "Gilbert" with a "Gilbracht" spelling from 1387.

Thus ends my Letter of Intent.

In service and duty,

Furukusu Masahide
Rampart Herald

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