Last modified: August 22, 2005

Outlands College of Heralds

27 August 2005

From the Office of White Stag Principal Herald
Lady Sorcha MacLeod (Tammy Ackerson)

UNTO Elisabeth de Rossingol, Laurel Queen of Arms, Margaret MacDuibhshithe, Pelican Queen of Arms, Jeanne-Marie Lacroix, Wreath Queen of Arms, and the College of Arms, upon this 27th day of August 2005, A.S. XXXX (2005 CE), does Lady Sorcha MacLeod, White Stag Principal Herald, send greetings.

Unless otherwise noted, submitters accept all changes, desire a name with the common sense gender, and have no requests for authenticity. I was assisted on this letter by Lady Alia Marie de Blois and Dominus Meradudd Cethin. My deepest gratitude to those who took time to send internal commentary: Gawain of Miskbridge, Green Anchor, Lord Einarr Grimsson, Flinthyll Pursuivant; Lord Giudo di Niccolo Brunelleschi, Deodar Pursuivant; Lady Jacqueline de Meux, ex-Cabochard Pursuivant; Lady Pipa Sparkes, ex-La Grande Tente Pursuivant.

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  1. Art the Scot. New Name and New Device. Or, upon a roundel vert four pheons arrayed crosswise, points outward Or.
    Originally submitted as "Airt the Scot," "Airt" is the genitive form of "Art," and the spelling has been changed to correct the grammar. "Art" is cited from O'Corrain and Maguire's Irish Names, under ART, which says, "The name
    is borne by many of the early legendary kings
    such as Art Oenfer, father of Cormac mac Airt and
    Art Corb, legendary ancestor of the Deisi". Black's Surnames of Scotland lists "the Scot" under SCOTT, dated to 1219.
  2. Alianora de la Forest. New Name and New Device. Azure, a nude demi-maiden arms outstretched proper crined issuant from a base wavy Or.
    " Alianora" is found in "Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames" by Talan Gwynek at, dated to 1428. Morlet, D. E. de Noms de Famille SN: Forest pg 420, indicates that this would normally be found with the definite article, such as delaforest and that it is " a very rare and ancient form of Foret."
  3. Anton von Strassburg. New Name and New Device. Azure, on a fess wavy argent a bridge sable, in chief three mullets of eight points Or.
    Anton: From "Late Period German Masculine Given Names" by Talan Gwynek,, listed as a Christian name 1501-1550. (Names from 16th Century Plaven). Strassburger is the header in Dauzat, so we have added an "s" to the byname originally submitted as "von Strasburg."
  4. Briana du Bois. Change of Holding Name from Briana of Nahrun Kabirun.
    The originally submitted "Briana Bronwen Du Bois" was returned from Laurel Jan 2004 for combining Welsh, English, and French. It was suggested that the name could be submitted as "Briana du Bois", since Briana is literary feminine name in English late period and du Bois is a French surname.
    Briana is documented using the Cover Letter of the December 2001 LOAR, in which Laurel says: "The first part of the Espejo was translated into English in 1578. The complete title (of the English version) is The mirrour of princely deedes and knighthood: wherein is shewed the worthinesse of the Knight of the Sunne, and his brother Rosicleer, sonnes to the great Emperour Trebetio: with the strange loue of the beautifull and excellent princesse Briana, and the valiant actes of other noble princes and knightes. Now newly translated out of Spanish into our vulgar English tongue, by M.T. Therefore, since Briana is the name of a human character in period literature available in English, the name Briana is registerable as an English feminine given name. In addition, since we now have evidence that the name Briana was known in period literature and is registerable as such, it no longer needs to be SCA compatible."
  5. Caíreach inghean uí Giolla Phádraig. New Name and New Device. Purpure, two natural panthers rampant addorsed, tails nowed, on a chief argent three falcon's heads erased vert.
    Caíreach - O'C and M, pg. 44 and Giolla Phádraig - Woulfe, pg. 378. Unfortunately, I can't put hands to these sources as of this writing to check for dates or header spellings - assistance is greatly appreciated.
  6. Caer Galen, Barony of. New Order Name. Order of the Arch.
    Based on "Project Ordensnamen" by Meradudd Cethin,, Order of <Thing> is consistent with period order names and the tangible object of an arch was certainly known in our period. e.g. Oak, ship and the shell, etc.
  7. Caer Galen, Barony of. New Order Name. Order of the Foal.
    Based on Project Ordensnamen by Meradudd Cethin,, Order of <Creature> was a well-established order naming structure (e.g. Dragon, Dove, etc.) traces the word "foal" to ME "fole" and OE "fola" so this term for a young horse is definitely period.
  8. Caerthe, Barony of. New Badge Fieldless, on an aspen leaf Or, a frame saw sable. for the Woodworkers Guild
    Originally blazoned as a "fret saw," commentary indicates that this is a "frame saw."
  9. Ceara inghean Rónáin. New Device. Argent, a dragon rampant vert and on a chief purpure two mascles fesswise argent.
    This submission somehow missed being included on the July 2005 Letter of Intent - my apologies to the submitter.
  10. Einarr Skallagrmsson. New Name and New Device. Per bend sinister wavy sable and vert, a triskelion of dragon's heads Or.
    Einarr (p.9)and Grmr (p.10) are found in GB. Construction of a patronymic is found in GB, p. 17 Skalla is a prefix from GB, pp. 18, 27. [Jaelle of Armida, August 1997, p.11] gives in part, " Lind, Norsk¬Isländska Dopnamn ock Fingerade Namm från Medeltiden, s.n. Skallagrímr notes that there is at least one instance of the compound Skallagrímr as a forename in its own right: a Skallagrimr Audvnar son died in 1353. Egils saga Skallagrímssonar is thought to have been written c.1220; Egill himself was a contemporary of Eirík Blóðøx, so he can be dated to the 10th c. A 14th c. Úlfr Skallagrímsson is therefore entirely possible."
  11. Elijah Tynker. New Name and New Device. Per Pale sable and argent, a sickle and roundel counter changed.
    Elijah is submitter's given name, copy of birth certificate included.
    Tynker is found in "An Index to the 1332 Lay Subsidy Rolls for Lincolnshire, England" by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan ( in the section of full names sorted by byname under "T", which lists "Thomas Tynker". Tinker is also a header form in Reaney and Wilson's "Dictionary of English Surnames" with spellings dated to 1240.
  12. Jannah al-Ghazaliyyah. New Name and New Device. Per fess indented gules and argent, a gazelle courant Or and a lotus blossom in profile gules.
    With respect to the ism, Jannah, Da'ud, al-Jamal wrote in comment on the original submission of Jennah an-Nur al-Ghabi on the Outlands March 2002 Letter of Presentation, "Well, even if 'Da'ud could help document this one', and I'm having trouble doing so, the name has gender and construction problems. 'Jenna' is _not_ found in Ahmed's A Dictionary of Muslim Names; the name found there is 'janna' (a more accurate transliteration of the Arabic would be 'jannah'). There is a slight pronunciation difference. It is undated, and many (if not most) of the names in Ahmed are modern." If "Jannah" is not registrable, the submitter provides a copy of her driver's license indicating that her legal given name is "Jenna," and she will accept that spelling if necessary.
    We note that the cited article for the laqab has been supplanted by a new version. However, I do find a listing for Ab¬u Hamid al-Ghazali in Islamic Names by Annemarie Schimmel. I am unfamiliar with Arabic naming practices, so I do not know the worth of the source, and feminizing the ending is my best guess. "PERIOD ARABIC NAMES AND NAMING PRACTICES" by Da'ud ibn Auda (David B. Appleton, 2003),, indicates that there are several legitimate ways to transliterate Arabic names, and since the submitter has indicated that she prefers an "h" on the end of the ism, I have added one to the end of the laqab for consistency's sake.
  13. Kathryn Brian Chevreuil. Change of Device. Per pale sable and ermine, two swans rousant respectant counterchanged.
    If registered, release previous device of Per pale purpure and argent ermined purpure, two swans rousant respectant counter-changed.
  14. Kymma Godric. Change of Name from Ceolwyn aet Axanbrycge.
    Kymma - Found as a given name in Reaney/Wilson (SN:Kemm) dated to 1311 (Kemma Scriuener) and as a byname dated to 1276 (John Kymme) and 1332 (Thomas Kemme). Reaney states name originates from the Anglo-Saxon Cymme as a possible pet-form of Cyneburh. Given the relative frequency of the e/y shift in this and other similar names (q.v. ibid., SN: Kember, SN: Kenward, SN: Kenyon), the desired spelling appears not to be an issue. This is especially true considering that the submitter has not expressed a desire for authenticity.
    R&W, s.n. Goodrich, "Ralph Godric 1199.
    If registered, submitter wishes to retain Ceolwyn aet Axanbrycge [Feb 2005, A-Outlands] as an alternate.
  15. Lyonnete du Soliel. Change of Name from Lyonnete la Rousse.
    Per the June 2002 LoAR, for "Suzanne du Soleil" (Atenveldt) "Clarion found support for this byname: Morlet, Dictionnaire Etymologique des Noms de Famille (the updated Dauzat), pg. 905, s.n. Soleil, gives Soleil as a hamlet name, which makes du Soleil plausible." It is important to note that this entry in Morlet lists le Soleil, as a variant of this placename. Therefor, du Soleil (du beingn a contraction of de le) is a valid locative byname based on the placename referenced in Morlet." Submitter wishes to use the registered given name of Lyonnete. The submitter wishes to retain her previous name, Lyonnete la Rousse, registered June 2002, West, as an alternate per e-mail contact.
  16. Magdalene de Saint Benoit-sur-Loire. New Name and New Device. Per bend sinister vert and gules, a dragon displayed rampant, in chief two compass stars elongated to base Or.
    Magdalene is found in "Given Names from Brittany, 1384-1600" by Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn (Heather Rose Jones) at, dated to 1527 as a feminine name. Saint Benoit-sur-Loire was built between 1067 and 1108, per a travel guide at
  17. Mari the Far Travelled. New Device. Per bend azure and vert, a winged horse's head couped at the shoulder reversed betwen three compass stars Or.
    Returned in-kingdom on the Outlands January 2005 Letter of Response for a redraw, the new forms address the previous issues.
  18. Michael MacQuillan. New Name and New Device. Per pale sable and argent, two natural seahorses, respectant counterchanged.
    Michael is found in Black, Surnames of Scotland, under MacCracken, pg. 479. Michael Makcraken was a follower of the Earl of Cassilis reported for murder, 1526.
    MacQuillan is found in Black, Surnames of Scotland, under MacQuillan as the modern form of MacCoilon/MacCailin/MacCailein - 'Son of Colin' page 560.
  19. Ramon the Chronologer. New Badge. Fieldless, an hourglass gules between four compass stars saltirewise in saltire azure.
  20. Ulrik Skytte. New Name and New Device. Per pale chevronny counterchanged Or and gules a bull's head couped and a bear's head couped respectant within a bordure sable.
    S. Gabriel report 2024 is attached, dating Ulrik to 1460 (Bergman, Gösta, Kortfattad svensk sprakhistoria, and Lind, E.H., Norsk-Islandska Dopnamn ock Fingerade Namn fran Medeltiden), and Skytte to 1387 and 1483 (Knudsen Gunnar, et al. Danmarks Gamle Personnavne.)

Thus ends my Letter of Intent. I count 11 new names, 12 new devices, 2 new badges, 3 name changes, 1 device change, and 2 new order names, for a total of 31 items requiring payment to Laurel. A check for $124 will be sent separately.

In service and duty,
Sorcha, White Stag

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August 2005 Letter of Response
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