Last modified:
November 10, 2004
Outlands College of Heralds
From the office of the Rampart Herald
Lady Alia Marie de Blois
UNTO the members of the College of Heralds of the Kingdom of the Outlands,
and all others who generously give of their time and talents in commentary
on this Letter of Presentation, upon this 11th day of November, A.S. XXXVIII
(2004 CE), does Lady Alia Marie de Blois, Rampart Herald, send greetings and
those commendations which are appropriately due.
Anyone who wants to may send me a letter of comment regarding this
Letter of Presentation. I prefer them via email.
Please send commentary to: alia 'at' or
the address above.
Please have your commentary on this letter to me by mid December - the
Rampart decision meeting is scheduled for the second Thursday.
Line Emblazon Sheet
Color Emblazon Sheet
November 2004 Letter of Presentation
December 2004 Letter of Response
December 2004 Letter of Intent
April 2005 LoAR Results
Return to the
Rampart home page.
On behalf of Lady Sorcha MacLeod, White Stag Principal Herald, I present the
following items for your consideration:
(Unless otherwise noted, all submittors will accept all changes, have no authenticity
requests, and wish a name with the "common sense" gender, based on
the submitted name.)
- Ashi'al Külüjin. Resubmission - Kingdom Device. Gyronny vert and
argent, a horse rampant Or within a bordure gyronny argent and vert.
His name was presented on the October 2004 Letter of Presentation, and his
previous device submission, Gyronny vert and sable, a horse rampant argent
within a bordure gyronny sable and vert, was presented at that time,
but will be returned by Rampart for low contrast issues. This resubmission
addresses these issues by changing the field color to vert and argent, and
the horse to Or.
- Astrid Halfdansdottir of Lothian. New Primary Name and New Device.
Sable, a domestic cat rampant guardant Or maintaining in its dexter paw a
Norse Sun Cross, a bordure embattled argent.
Astrid and Halfdan are documented from searches on, purportedly
dating Astrid as a Princess of Sweden in the early 1000s and Halfdan to 1000.
Unfortunately, is a very poor source of documentation - genealogical
standards are lower than ours, and names are often modernized. Halfdansdottir
is formed from the male name as a patronymic form. To support Lothian, page
from the Lothene Experimental Archeology Group (
was provided, which says: "The 11th Century was the period in which the present
day boundaries of Scotland were established. Lothene (Lothian) ... was incorporated
into the Kingdom of Scotland".
She will not allow major changes, cares most about the language/culture,
and requests authenticity for "900AD - 1100AD Norse in Scotland".
- Boleslav Ragnarsson. New Primary Name and New Device. Per chevron
checky sable and argent and sable, a chevron Or and in base a fox head couped
Boleslav is found in Paul Goldschmidt's Dictionary of Period Russian Names
in the Bl section (,
where it is dated in this spelling to 1569 and in several variants all the
way back to 933. Ragnarsson is a patronymic formed from the male given name
Ragnarr, which is mentioned on the Viking Answer Lady's website (,
which cites Geirr Bassi's The Old Norse Name, page 14, Ragnarr.
He will not allow major changes, cares most about the language/culture, and
requests authenticity for "Slavic of Viking Descent" language/culture.
- Caerthe, Barony of. New Order Name. Order of the Sojourners of Evan
This order has been around for some time, but this is the first attempt at
registration. The order is named after Evan Mawr, whose name was registered
August of 1982.
- Elisant le Chevaler. New Primary Name and New Device. Purpure, a
horse rampant and on a chief embattled argent, three orchids sable.
Elisant is documented from Academy of St. Gabriel report 2893 (,
which says in part "The root of [Elisande] is the Continental Germanic name
[Elisind], which is found in Latin records from France as [Elissindis] a.
965 and a. 984. [2] These names gave rise to the Old French or ,
which is recorded in England as in 1190 and in 1221." le
Chevaler is dcumented from Academy of St. Gabriel report 2749 (,
which says in part, "The Norman French equivalent appears in the names [Geoffrey
le Chevanchur] 1226 and [Robert le Chevaler] 1205 [3]."
She cares most about the (unspecified) meaning and requests authenticity
for "Anglo/Norman" language/culture.
- Elyenora Danyel de La Roche. New Primary Name.
Elyenora is found in "Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames" by
Talan Gwynek (,
where this spelling is dated to 1273 under the header Eleanor. Danyel is
found in "An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris" by Lord
Colm Dubh (
in the name of Danyel le Breton. de La Roche is found in "Sixteenth Century
Norman Names" by Cateline de la Mor (,
which lists the surname de La Roche.
She will not allow major changes.
- Halla in heppna Kn{o,}rsdóttìr. Resubmission
- Laurel Device. Purpure, in fess three straight trumpets Or.
Her name was registered on the March 2004 LoAR. If this submission passes
Kingdom, she wishes to withdraw her current device submission (on the August
LoI), Argent, a serpent nowed purpure and (on the October LoP), Paly
purpure and argent.
- Halla in heppna Kn{o,}rsdóttìr. Resubmission
- Laurel Badge. (Fieldless) A pair of barnacles inverted purpure surmounted
by a straight trumpet Or.
Her name was registered on the March 2004 LoAR. If this submission passes
Kingdom, she wishes to withdraw her current badge submission (on the August
LoI), (Fieldless) a serpent nowed purpure.
- Ian Lindsay Macrae. Resubmission - Laurel Device. Gyronny sable
and argent, a wyvern erect gules winged Or maintaining a sheaf of arrows
inverted and a bow Or within a bordure gules.
His name was registered in August of 1998, and his previous device submission, Gyronny
sable and argent, a wyvern erect maintaining a sheaf of arrows inverted and
a bow within a bordure gules was returned by Laurel in February 2002
for conflict with Bela of Eastmarch, Gyronny sable and argent, a dragon
rampant gules, armed and webbed vert, with only one CD for the addition
of the bordure. This resubmission changes the tincture of the wings to Or,
which should give a second CD.
- Kristana Tancz. Resubmission - Kingdom Device. Purpure, on a chevron
between three crescents two and one Or, a spider sable.
Her name was registered by Laurel in January 2004, and her previous device
submission, Per bend sinister purpure and gules, a bend sinister Or, a
decrescent Or and a spider sable, was returned on the September 2003
Letter of Response for low contrast issues. This is a complete redesign.
- Natasha Mechislav. New Primary Name.
Natasha is described as "nic name of Russian version of Natalie". The local
herald also notes that it's mentioned in Withycombe on page 226 under the
headling Natalia, Natalie as the Russian diminutive, but Withycombe is not reliable
or sufficient for non-English names. Mechislav is found in Paul Goldschmidt's
Dictionary of Period Russian Names (
where this spelling is dated to 965 as a male name.
She cares most about the sound and language/culture.
- Canton of Ravenhurst. New Primary Name and New Device. Sable, a
pale between two laurel wreaths, on a chief triangular Or a raven rising
displayed proper.
No documentation or petition was received for this name,
and therefore it must be returned. The submitters are
strongly enjoined to read Admin
Handbook IV.C., specifically section 2, "Documentation" and
5, "Evidence of Support".
They will not allow major changes.
No petition was received for this device, and therefore it must be returned. The
submitters are strongly enjoined to read Admin
Handbook IV.C., specifically section 5, "Evidence of Support".
- Rowland McCain. New Primary Name.
Rowland is found in "English Names found in Brass Enscriptions" by Julian
Goodwyn (,
where Rowland is dated to 1580. McCain is documented using the Manx Note
Book (,
specifically the section on Manx Family Names (,
under the header Cain, which dates the following spellings: McKane [1408],
Mac Cann [1430], Mac Cane [1511], Cain [1586], Cane [1601], Caine [1609],
Cayne [1610].
He cares most about the sound.
- Slaine inghean Ui Sheanain. Resubmission - Kingdom Primary Name.
Argent chaussé sable, a thistle vert.
Her name was registered in September 2002 via Caid. Her previous device submission, Per
chevron inverted argent and sable, in chief an thistle vert, was returned
by Rampart in March 2004 for redrawing due to identifiability issues. This
submission addresses this issue by redrawing so that it is clearly chaussé.
- Theresa Yolanda Cabeza de Vaca. New Device. Argent, two chevronels
braced and on a chief rayonny sable three diamond-cut gemstones argent.
Her name was registered by Laurel in December 1993. Her previous device submission, Sable,
an eight-cut diamond issuing eight rays argent (blazoned on the forms
is Sable issuant from an eight-cut diamond argent, eight rays argent -
I've reblazoned for clarity here) was returned by Rampart (or possibly White
Stag, back then) in mid 1993.
The name on the form was Theresa Cavasa de Baca, which is probably why Pennsic
Heralds Point couldn't find it, but the registered form is Theresa Yolanda
Cabeza de Vaca. Also, marked on the form as a 'new' submission (and paid
for as one), this is actually a resubmission.
- Thyra, vina Ulfs. Resubmission - Laurel Primary Name and Resubmission
- Laurel Device. Per pale vert and sable, a wolf statant argent and a chief
embattled Or.
Thyra is found in "The Danish History, Books I-IX by Saxo Grammaticus ('Saxo
the Learned')", a translation of Saxo Grammaticus’ 13th-century text,
Gesta Danorum, written in Latin, in which the name is given as "Thira". vina
Ulfs is a constructed byname meaning "friend of Ulfr’s". The construction "friend
of [given name, genitive]" is found in Snorri Sturluson’s 13th-century
Egils saga, in "vinr Véþorms", where Véþorms is the genitive form of the
given name Véþormr, found in Landnámabók – as is the male given name
Ulfr, which in the genitive is Ulfs. vina is the feminine of vinr, according
to Cleasby-Vigfusson’s An Icelandic-English Dictionary, "the most comprehensive
and authoritative dictionary on Old Icelandic." Lady Halla put some great
effort into this documentation, of which this is a highly condensed summary.
I am also making available a fuller justification and summary at: (also
written by Lady Halla).
Her name is in its latest submission on this Letter. Her previous device
submission, Gyronny vert and Or, a wolf statant argent was returned
on the October 2004 Letter of Response for conflict. This is a complete redesign.
- Ulrik Halvarson. Resubmission - Kingdom Device. Per pale Or and
azure, a reremouse counterchanged.
This name was registered by Laurel in December 2003. This is marked on the
forms as a Device Resubmission, but I cannot find any record of a previous
submission. If the local herald knows of it, please let me know - otherwise,
payment will need to be made.
- Wulfhramn St. James. New Primary Name and New Device. Sable, an
eye argent irised azure surmounted by a sword inverted Or.
Wulfhramn is documented from,
which discusses the Life of St. Wulfhramn,,
which discusses the same topic, and finally,
which describes St. Wulfram as the Bishop of Sens, who died before 704. No
documentation was provided for the byname. Even if this is his legal
last name (as the form would indicate), documentation of this needs to be
provided (copy of birth certificate, copy of drivers license, etc.).
He will not accept minor changes.
The sword is really quite small, but not necessarily returnably so.
Line Emblazon Sheet
Color Emblazon Sheet
November 2004 Letter of Presentation
December 2004 Letter of Response
December 2004 Letter of Intent
April 2005 LoAR Results
Return to the
Rampart home page.
Anyone who wants to may send me a letter of comment regarding this Letter
of Presentation. I prefer them via email.
Please send commentary to: alia 'at' or
the address above.
Please have your commentary on this letter to me by mid December.