Last modified: July 8, 2004
Outlands College of Heralds
From the office of the Rampart Herald
Lady Alia Marie de Blois (Lillith Lesanges)
1223 Fruit Ave. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102 - (505) 244-9525
UNTO the members of the College of Heralds of the Kingdom of the Outlands,
and all others who generously give of their time and talents in commentary on
this Letter of Presentation, upon this 20th day of August, A.S. XXXVIII (2003
CE), does Lady Alia Marie de Blois, Rampart Herald, send greetings and those
commendations which are appropriately due. I would like to apologize for the
delays in this Letter - between my personal computer problems and the computer
virus keeping us busy at work, I was unable to work on this Letter for much
longer than I had intended.
Anyone who wants to may send me a letter of comment regarding this Letter of
Presentation. I prefer them via email.
Please have your commentary on this letter to me by mid-September.
NOTE: based on the commentary at this time regarding item 0 on the July
LoP, I am hereby dropping the internal commentary period to one (1) month.
Please send commentary to: alia 'at'
or the address above.
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September 2003 Letter of Response
September 2003 Letter of Intent
January 2004 LoAR Results
Return to the Rampart home
On behalf of Mistress Tatiana Pavlovna Sokolova, White Stag Principal Herald,
I present the following items for your consideration:
(Unless otherwise noted, all submittors will accept all changes, have no authenticity
requests, and wish a name with the "common sense" gender, based on
the submitted name.)
- Fionn mac Dubhghaill mhic Cuill. (Caerthe) New name.
This submittor submitted the name Fionn McDougal on the July Letter of Presentation,
and then withdrew his submission. This is a reworking of the name.
Fionn is found in O’Corrain and Maguire’s Irish Names on page100, under
the header Finn. Dubhghaill is found in ibid. on page 79, under the header
Dubgall. Cuill is taken from Woulfe's Sloinnte Gaedheal is Gall: Irish
Names and Surnames, under the header Mac Cuill. This name is formed based
on information in "Quick and Easy Gaelic Names" (,
under the section "Two Generation Patronymic Byname", which gives
the formation of the name as "{single given name} mac {father's given
name (in genitive case and sometimes lenited)} mhic {grandfather's given name}".
He will not accept major changes, cares most about the sound and language/culture,
and is interested in authenticity for "9-12th Irish" time period
and language/culture.
- Ivar MacGuiness. (Fontaine) New Name.
Ivar is found in “Manx Christian Names” (,
and is described as “Ivarr (Yngvarr), ‘young spring’, A name of two Mx. Knights,
one of whom slew King Reginald II in a meadow near Kirk Christ, Rushen.” Irish
Names by Ó Corrain & Maguire also lists an Ibor on page 116. MacGuiness
is listed as a variant of Mag Aongusa, on page 74 of Irish Family Names
by Kelly.
He will not allow major changes, cares most about the sound, and is interested
in a name authentic for “10th-16th Century Manx/Irish” language/culture.
- Ivar MacGuiness. (Fontaine) New Device. Per saltire purpure and
sable, on a saltire invected Or a whip sable.
- Kaleriia Andronikov. (Caerthe) Change of Holding Name from Gail
of the Outlands.
All parts of this name are documented from “A Dictionary of Period Russian
Names” (Online Edition,
by Paul Wickenden of Thanet. Kaleriia is dated to the 13-14th Century. Andronikov
is listed as a patronymic of Andronik, dated to the middle of the 15th Century.
She will not allow major changes and cares most about the sound.
- Kristana Tancz. (Fontaine) New Name.
Kristana is documented from “Medieval Latvian Given Names” (
by Aryanhwy merch Catmael, which dates this name to 1503. Tancz is found on
page 500 of the Edda Gentry translation of Bahlow’s German Names, under
the header Tanz, dated to 1295 and 1307.
She will not allow major changes, cares most about the sound and is interested
in a name authentic for “13-16th century Latvian/German”.
- Kristana Tancz. (Fontaine) New Device. Per bend sinister purpure
and gules, a bend sinister Or, a decrescent Or and a spider sable.
This device will be returned, as the black spider on the gules field is low
contrast. Also, all of the charges on this device are a bit on the small side
(though not returnably so on their own). The client is reportedly already
working on a resubmission.
- Meadhbh Lasaifhiona an Chopain. (Fontaine) New Name.
All parts of this name are documented from “Index of Names in Irish Annals”
by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (
Meadhbh is documented to 1577, Lasairfhiona is documented to 1527 and earlier,
and an Chopain is dated to 1375.
She will not allow major changes, cares most about the (unspecified) meaning,
sound, and language/culture, and is interested in a name authentic for “16th
century Irish” language/culture.
- Meadhbh Lasaifhiona an Chopain. (Fontaine) New Device. Per chevron
embattled argent and azure, two trefoils vert and a threaded sewing needle
I had the hardest time trying to computer-color this one in, because the needle
is drawn as solid black, and the color just has (effectively) fimbriation
that is yellow. Is this redraw-worthy? I’m not sure. (Note, because of this
difficulty, and my subsequent computer issues, I don't have a color copy available.
- Sergius Oppius Scaevola.(Caerthe?) New Name.
Both Sergius and Oppius are documented from Livy, Early History of Rome
(translation by Selincourt), pages 223 and 240 respectively. Sergius is mentioned
as "Marcus Sergius" in the chapter on "Arbitrary Conduct of
the Decemvirs". Oppius is mentioned as "Malius Oppius" in the
chapter "Demand for Restoration of Tribunate". Scaevola is mentioned
as "Mucius Scaevola" and is dated to approximately 130B.C.. Scaevola
is documented from History of Rome by Cary and Scullard, on page 59.
He will not accept major changes, cares most about the language/culture, and
is interested in a name authentic for "1st century AD" time period
and "Rome" language/culture.
- Sergius Oppius Scaevola. (Caerthe?) New Device. Sable, on a bezant
two lightning bolts gules in saltire.
- Wolfgang Grothe zu Verron. (Caerthe) Name Resubmission (Laurel).
The original name, Verron Wolfgang von Groth, was returned by Laurel in June
of 1989. Wolfgang is documented from “Late Period German Masculine Given Names”
by Talan Gwynek, which lists Wolf(gang) as having been one of the most frequent
men’s names from 1501-1550. Goethe is documented from Brechenmacher’s “Etmologisches
Wuutterbuch der Deutschen Familienneman” under the header Grot(h)e, Grodt,
Grohte, dated to 1375.
The client documents Verron by noting that the first submission return from
Laurel says [sic] “… documentary ‘Verron’ as an acceptable varient form of
a geographical name, which has now been done)." That doesn't tell us
what that documentation for that is. This kind of thing is especially important
when there is significant time elapsed between the original submission and
the new one, since "prior registration is no guarantee of future registrability."
He cares most about the sound and is interested in a name authentic for "German
(High or Lowlands)" langauge/culture.
- Wolfgang Grothe zu Verron. (Caerthe) Device Resubmission (Laurel).
Sable, a mullet of eight points between two scarpes Or.
According to the form, "the rules have changed, and this device no longer
conflicts" but doesn't say when or with whom it conflicted.
Fortunately, I was able to find out that this device was returned by Laurel
in June of 1989, which says: As for the device, the mullet as drawn is not
really a mullet but a bezant engrailed. In any case the submission conflicts
with Anastasia Vladimirovna ("Sable, two bendlets sinister Or, and in bend
three mullets argent.").
- Zorya ze Praha. (Caerthe) New Name.
No documentation was received for this submission. Aww, Bullwinkle, that trick
never works.
I vaguely recall that this was discussed on the SCA Heralds listserv, and
I'll try to get that info and post it here.
She will not allow minor or major changes, cares most about the (unspecified)
meaning, sound, and language/culture, and is interested in having a name authentic
for "12th century Slavic" language/culture.
- Zorya ze Praha. (Caerthe) New Device. Azure, a horse forcene between
three pheons inverted argent.
Anyone know what the current opinion on forcene is? My brain wants to tell
me that there’s something weird about forcene, like ‘no longer registrable’
or ‘reblazon as rampant or leaping or something’, but I’m not sure what.
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September 2003 Letter of Response
September 2003 Letter of Intent
January 2004 LoAR Results
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Rampart home page.
Anyone who wants to may send me a letter of comment by e-mail regarding this
Letter of Presentation.
Please have your commentary on this letter to me by mid-September. Please send
commentary to: alia 'at'