Catalan Given Names from the 5th to 12th Centuries
compiled by Kate Jones (Geffroi le crieur)
These given names are all from the fifth to eighth centuries, though are not dated more specifically than that. No gender is given for most of them.
Names deriving from Roman gens names
Aurelius Flavius Iulius |
Licina Valeria | |
Names deriving from other Roman names - men's names
Avitus Crispinus Dexter Felix |
Flainus Iustus Marcianus Nigrinus |
Onoratus Pius Probus Saturninus |
Savinus Severus Vitalis | |
Names deriving from other Roman names - women's names
Bassilla Camilla Iuliana Iusta |
Optata Severiana Urbana Victorina | |
Other names deriving from Latin, but more recently
Aeternalis Amator Asella Comenciolus Dominicus Exuperantius Februarius |
Florentius Fulgentius Honorius Salutius Sanctus Servandus | |
Names particular to the Latin on the Iberian peninsula
Acisclus Bracarius Cerevella Cuparius |
Eburinus Granniola Lilliolus Salvianella | |
Names of Greek origin
Alexandria Arcadius Basilia Cefalius Ceprianus |
Erythris Eugamia Eulalia Leontius Macarinus |
Saturius Sefronius Theodosius Zenon | |
Names showing Christian influence, and saints' names
Emmanuel Iohannes Maria Paulus |
Sallomon Stephanus Susanna Thomas | |
Names of Germanic origin
Agilo Aigo Froila Gudiliuva Gulfinus Gundebebius Marispalla |
Modefredus Oppila Qaico Reccaredus Reccisvinthus Reswenthus Recesfidus |
Salla Svinthiliuba Teudefridus Vintila Wiliulfus Zerezindo Zerimundo | |
Back to the introduction
Names from the fifth to eighth centuries,
listed alphabetically
Names from the ninth to twelfth centuries,
listed alphabetically
Names from the ninth to twelfth centuries,
divided by origin