Outlands College of Heralds
On September 27, 2001, a Rampart Meeting was held to consider the Letter of Presentation dated August 5, 2001. In attendance were Countess Anne Aliz de Bâle, Fretty Herald, Earl Cathyn Fitzgerald, Lady Kiena Munro, Lady Alia Marie de Blois, and a currently nameless new girl. Letters of comment were received from Shayk Da’ud ibn Auda, al-Jamal Herald; Gawain of Miskbridge, Green Anchor Herald; Lady Aryanhwy merch Catmael Rouge Scarpe Herald; and the Caer Galen commenting group consisting of Baron Louis-Philippe Mitouard, Cat’s Paw Herald Extraordinary, Baroness Francesca di Pavia, Pursuivant, Regana van Kortrijk, Caer Galen PE. In addition I am including the comments that Lord Naitan de Yerdeburc wrote as Rampart on the August LoP. I now have these comments marked as Palmer rather than Rampart. My commentary will be marked as Rampart. Here are the decisions from these deliberations.
ACTION: Device Returned for insufficient documentation of a wreathed ordinary of 2 colors.
[Green Anchor] - (Household Name): "Which of the allowable patterns for household naming does this fit? I don't see it as matching any of them."
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Household Name): "I can't help with documentation for the household name."
[Caer Galen] - (Household Name): "This name (of the Winged Ankh) is not a valid period construction. Master Bruce Draconarius, Laurel Emeritus stated that a valid test for household names should be whether a personal name could equally be valid with the same suffix. That is, if House of the Winged Ankh is valid, John of the Winged Ankh must be equally valid. This can only be true if the Winged Ankh is either a reasonable placename or at worst a reasonable ‘Inn sign’ name. Absent any documentation this is neither of those and so must be returned."
[Caer Galen] - (Household Badge): "Admin question: It appears that only Alaric’s name is registered. Does Adelaide’s name need to be registered in order to have joint ownership of this badge? Or does this really get registered to only Alaric?"
ACTION: Household Name and Household Badge Passed. If there’s a problem with the Household name, Laurel can return it.
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Name): ""Brian" should have an accent on the "i" to match the submitted documentation."
[Green Anchor] - (Device): ""Per saltire sable and gules, a tyger rampant argent between three mullets of eight points Or." The submitted blazon would have the tyger and the (undefined) arrangement of mullets in pale."
ACTION: Name and Device Passed.
[Green Anchor] - (Name): "She's going with modern spellings of "Brigid" and "ingen". Woulfe, p.19, supports your construction of the genitive."
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Name): "Seeing as the pre c1200 genitive of "Fergus" is "Fergus", "Fearghusa" looks to be close; I believe the "F" needs to be lenited, e.g. "Fhearghusa"."
ACTION: Name Passed as Brighid inghean Fhearghusa.
[Caer Galen] - (Name): "Reminder that the documentation for these names were sent in the form of photocopies of the original books, so we are confused why these documents were not cited but rather the web pointers were cited instead. Perhaps citing the ‘best evidence’ would be more useful."
ACTION: Name Passed.
[al-Jamal] - (Name): "All of the bynames that I can think of dealing with feet (or, for that matter, legs, arms, and other body parts) are pretty strictly concrete and noticeable. Blacktooth, Longshanks, and so on. I think we need more documentation for something along the lines of "itchfoot" before we can register it. And we certainly need something closer to period than the late 19th Century for the occupational byname."
[Green Anchor] - (Name): "He is apparently combining a Gaelic given name with a thoroughly Scots (or English) pair of surnames. Reaney & Wilson, p.288, give a couple of English surnames meaning "lute player": "Lut(t)er" and "Luther" with several variant spellings of each. Can find nothing for a builder, but based on the discussion of such names in Reaney's OES, I suspect these would serve that meaning as well. Itch" is attested from period, but only in the intransitive sense, much as today. "Scratchfoot" might be slightly closer to plausible."
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Name): "Oh dear. Reaney & Wilson s.n. "Luter" have "le Lutur" 1221, "le Leuter", "le Leutour", "Luter" 1304-10, "Lutier" 1358, from the OFr "leuteor" or ME "lute", and s.n. Luther have "Luther" 1529, from the Fr "luthier". There is nothing like "Itchfoot" in R&W, though other compound surnames of "X + foot" are attested, e.g., "Lyghtfot", 1296 s.n. Lightfoot."
[Caer Galen] - (Name): "Reaney and Wilson pg 288 have several examples which are either close or right on: Luter, Lutter: (i) Alvredus le Lutur 1221 Cur(K); John le Leuter, le Leutour, Luter 1304-1310 LL B, C, D; Luther: Ralph Luther 1529 GildY; John Luthur 1674 HTSf. ‘Lute-player’, Fr luthier. Given the cited examples we would argue that he should drop the article and make this Colbán Luthier or even Colban le Luter? Although we cannot document Itchfoot directly, it would seem to be a valid period form and is close to many forms cited in Reaney and Wilson (which has a very good section on such names although it is too long to cite in its entirety). Itchfoot is similar in form to many cited (R&W pg xliii): for example Broadhead, Bauncefote (‘arched belly’), Sheepshanks, etc. Although we don’t have a copy of the OED with us, we would imagine that if Itch is a period word then this would at least be a possible name."
[Palmer] - (Name): "I checked the OED for Luthier, it stated it is a maker of Lutes and only cites an 1879 usage. Obviously, we need to come up with Luthier as a period occupational byname and something for Itchfoot."
ACTION: Name Returned for lack of documentation for "Itchfoot"
[Green Anchor] - (Badge): "Another victim of SPESS (stereotypical postperiod ethnic symbol syndrome). Has anyone told him that thistles appear in period Scottish armory only as a royal badge?"
[Caer Galen] - (Badge): "Conchobar has a claymore between two thistles. Could he be German? Oh, what were we thinking?"
ACTION: Badge Passed.
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Name): "Reaney & Wilson s.n. Joyful date this spelling to 1248."
[al-Jamal] - (Device): "As handguns, unlike mullets, don't seem to have "points", we need a different blazon for it. Not having had the opportunity to review the emblazon, I am unable to suggest anything."
[Green Anchor] - (Device): "According to the PicDic, that's a handgun _rest_ in its default position. "Or, a handgun rest azure surmounted by a chevron inverted gules.""
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Device): "The chevron is overall."
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "PicDic 1st ed lists this charge as a ‘Handgun rest’ and gives the default as palewise, point to base, so that need not be blazoned here."
ACTION: Name Passed. Device Passed as "Or, a handgun rest azure surmounted by a chevron inverted gules."
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Badge): "This conflicts with Stephan of Monmouth (10-00 via Ansteorra), "Per pale Or and sable, a cross of Jerusalem counterchanged." There is at most on CD for type of cross."
[Caer Galen] - (Badge): "Pretty!"
ACTION: Badge Passed.
[al-Jamal] - (Name): "Yeah, the Rules are pretty clear. She must use the exact form of her legal given name, not a variant. " The [legal name] allowance is only made for the actual legal name, not any variants." (RfS II.4.)"
ACTION: Name Passed as Danitsa Nemanja. Device Passed.
[Caer Galen] - (Name): "We don’t believe that documenting Fletcher is quite the same as documenting Fletcher’s Glen, although such constructions have been accepted. They seem TSCA rather than period but probably is acceptable."
ACTION: Name Passed. Device Passed as "Quarterly azure and argent, five crosses crosslet in saltire counterchanged."
[Green Anchor] - (Name): "He's using the modern spelling of "C{e'}tach", according to the cited reference, but that at least matches the modern form of the given name already registered."
ACTION: Change of Name Passed.
[al-Jamal] - (Device): "Conflict with Corrmacc na Connacht, *Azure, on a pale argent a sword inverted gules*, with the flag of Guatemala, *Azure, on a pale argent a wreath vert surmounted by two rifles bayonets fixed surmounted in base by two sabres in saltire proper all surmounted by an open scroll palewise argent charged with the words LIBERTAD 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1821 Or and perched thereon a quetzal bird vert bellied gules*, and with the Barony of Illiton, *Azure, on a pale argent a mermaid erect affronty proper, scaled Or, crined vert maintaining in her right hand a trident bendwise sinister and in her left and upraised hand a grey granite tower proper, and in base a laurel wreath vert*. In each case there is but one CD, for the multiple changes to the tertiary charge group."
ACTION: Name Passed. Device Returned for conflicts cited above.
[Palmer] - (Name): "Upon checking Black for dates, there is not a period citation for this spelling. This appears to be the post period standardization of the name. Period citations: Macrad (1225). Macrath (1296) M’Re (1376)."
ACTION: Name Passed. Device Passed.
[Green Anchor] - (Name): "The given name is found in O'C&M, p.94, as a modern form of "Fech{i'}ne". Don't know if it's the same name, but Maclysaght's *The Surnames of Ireland*, p.4, gives "Mac Alindon" as an Anglicized form of "Mac Giolla Fhiondain"."
ACTION: Name Passed.
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Name): "The web page as cited does not exist. The article is at
ACTION: Name Passed. Device Passed for a Laurel call.
[Green Anchor] - (Name): "Brechenmacher does not show this form of the surname, but he does list several with the same meaning on p.II:701, including "Suderland", and "Sudermann", with dates of 1432 and 1545 respectively."
ACTION: Name Passed as "Gotschalg Sudermann". Device Passed.
[al-Jamal] - (Device): "This proposal has the identical conflict to the one which caused the prior return. The only thing he's changed is the field, and there was already a CD for the field. It's that there are no _other_ countable differences." ACTION: Device Passed.
[al-Jamal] - (Name): "Hey, she can be a guy if she wants! If Jane is documentable as a man's name in period, she can register it in the SCA. There is nothing else in the name that would create a problem with Jane as a masculine name (*e.g.*, Godricsdoghter might be a problem, since a masculine Jane couldn't be anyone's daughter). We should drop the quote marks around *the Good*."
ACTION: Name Passed as "Jane Gude of Wylshire" after consultation with the client. Device Pended for a redraw.
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Device): "Lovely arms! A bit of blazon fu: Per bend sinister argent and azure, two cinquefoils counterchanged. Unfortunately, this conflicts with Gerelt of Lockeford (4-86 via the West), "Per bend argent and azure, in bend two roses counterchanged." There is one CD for per bend vs. per bend sinister, but none for the tinctures of the roses, and none for placement, since it is identical."
ACTION: Device Passed.
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Name): "
ACTION: Name Passed.
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Name): "So the client submitted a letter from Talan with lots of documentation? What is that documentation? If we can't see the letter, it makes it awfully hard to comment on the submission.
ACTION: Name Passed. Device Passed.
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Device): "Lovely arms."
ACTION: Device Passed.
[al-Jamal] - (Device): "Gyronny is "of eight" by default; we can safely drop "of eight" from the blazon."
ACTION: Name Passed. Device Returned because there is no contrast at all between the argent parts of the bordure and the argent field.
[Green Anchor] - (Name): Dauzat, p.488, says "Plessis" and "Duplessis" are common, so the submitted form should be OK. He also lists "Richelieu" on p.520 under "Richeb{e'}". Both are said to be toponymics, so I think one of them has to be dropped here, since she can't claim to be a landed noble, as Cardinal Richelieu was. BTW, "de" and "du" are not interchangable: the former means "of" and the latter is a contraction of "de le", meaning "of the"."
ACTION: Name Passed. Device Returned for conflict with Fiona MacNeill.
[al-Jamal] - (Badge): "I think this may fall afoul of the strictures on the use of "proper", as being "exactly the type of "Linnaean heraldry" that has been banned for some time now, for the reason that one would have to consult a specialized non-heraldic source ... to adequately reproduce the emblazon from a blazon. RfS VIII.4.c. notes that "[Proper] is not allowed if many people would have to look up the correct coloration, or if the Linnaean genus and species (or some other elaborate description) would be required to get it right." Such is the case here." (Da'ud ibn Auda, LoAR December 1995 p. 18) In further explanation, RfS VIII.4.c. notes that "*Proper* is allowed for natural flora and fauna _when there is a widely understood default coloration_ for the charge so specified." (Emphasis added) Is there a "widely understood default coloration" for natural and snow leopards? I know I'd have to think about the former, and would have to look up the latter. I think this is a problem. This may also fall afoul of the sword/dagger-shark/dolphin ban on using two similar but not identical charges."
ACTION: Badge Returned for being on the wrong forms and using a charge made of flames.
[Green Anchor] - (Name): "I don't have Fucilla, but De Felice's *Cognomi* doesn't list "Pontieri". What type of surname is it supposed to be? He does have "Sasso" on p.225, and says it means "Saxon". You couldn't very well be either "di Sasso" ("of Saxon") or "de Sasso" ("of the Saxon" where the preposition calls for a plural noun). The simplest thing would be to drop the preposition entirely."
ACTION: Name Passed. Device Passed.
[al-Jamal] - (Device): ""Hovering affronty" is not an heraldic posture. Indeed, if the raven is not in fact *displayed*, it is unlikely to be registrable. "The posture *volant affronty* has been ruled unsuitable for use in heraldry on at least two occasions (Sept. 1992 LOAR, p.48; Oct. 1992 LOAR p.23) on the grounds that it is 'inherently unidentifiable'. While in those case the returns involved birds, we feel that the case is just as strong for monsters." (Jaelle of Armida, LoAR February 1998, p. 19) "The posture *striking affronty* is not allowed as it is not known in period armory and is inherently three-dimensional." (Elsbeth Anne Roth, LoAR March 2000, p. 12)"
ACTION: Device Returned for hovering affronty and conflict.
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Device): "The chevron should extend to the edge of the field, and not stop at the tressure."
ACTION: Device Pended for a redraw.
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Device): "This may conflict with Gareth the Russel (10-76) "Azure, a skunk [Mephitis mephitis] statant proper." There is one CD for statant vs. sejant erect (which Regana's squirrel is and which should be noted in the blazon), but I'm not sure if there is one for squirrel vs. skunk. Seeing as skunks and squirrels are in the same category in the OandA, I'm inclined to think that there is not a CD between the two."
ACTION: Device Passed.
[Rampart] - (Name): "I put the question to the SCA Heralds listserv as to whether Robartach de Montain would conflict with the registered name Robert of the Mountains. Effric neyn Kenyeoch vc Ralte replied "These should not conflict, just based on the given names: "Robert" is a good Anglo-Norman type name while "Robartach" is an unrelated Early Gaelic name (OCM, s.n. Robertach) -- and so there are no diminutive issues to worry about -- that differs from "Robert" in both sound and appearance: "Robert" doesn't have the sound of \ahkh\ or appearance of \ach\ at the end (a substantial whole syllable of difference), nor is the "b" in Robert pronounced with a \v\ or \w\ sound as the "b" is in the Gaelic "Robartach". Consider these precedents: http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/precedents/daud2/namea2c.html#Conflict
It is a close call, but the extra syllable is just enough to bring this name clear of Conn MacNeill. (Conor MacNeil, 1/96 p. 3) [registering House Loch Mor] This is clear of the registered branch names Lochmorrow and Lochmere. (Alina of Loch Mor, 2/96 p. 9) The name does not conflict with Conor MacPherson (3/96, Meridies); the forenames are markedly different in sound. (Conan MacPherson,
4/96 p. 4)
ACTION: Name Passed. Device Passed as Per chevron abased sable and argent, a dragon segreant contourny wings displayed and inverted argent and a roundel purpure.
[Green Anchor] - (Device): "The augmentation is on a sinister canton."
ACTION: Augmentation Returned for a complete lack of contrast between the bend sinister and the canton sitting on it.
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Name): "I couldn't reach the cited web for the given name.
ACTION: Name Passed. Device Passed.
[al-Jamal] - (Device): "Blazon fu: *... as an augmentation _on_ a canton ....*"
ACTION: Augmentation Returned for having checky of two colors.
[Green Anchor] - (Name): "Funny, my copy of Geirr Bassi shows only "{Th}orvaldr". I've never seen an Old Norse name terminate with a capital letter before."
ACTION: Name Passed.
[al-Jamal] - (Badge): "There is nothing in the blazon to indicate that the charges are, as they must be in a fieldless badge, conjoined."
ACTION: Badge Returned for not having the parts conjoined on a fieldless badge.
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Name): "This spelling of
ACTION: Name Passed. Device Passed.
ACTION: Name Passed.
[Green Anchor] - (Name): "If she is able to document the given name, it must be spelled properly, with the ha{cv}ek over the "c". Omitting it changes the pronunciation."
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Name): "Besides the problems noted with the given name, dates are needed for the surname as well."
[Caer Galen] - (Name): "Even by her argument, Danica (with the inverted circumflex) is probably pronounced ‘Danitsa’ and is different from Danica (without the accent). Couldn’t she be persuaded that she can register Danitsa and spell it Danica if she wishes?"
[Palmer] - (Name): "Her utilization of the modern name rule mandates
Caerthe, Barony of
[al-Jamal] - (Device): "The arrangement of the crosses on the shield probably ought to be specified in the blazon. Are they "in saltire" (or "two, one and two"), "three and two", or what?"
Dragonsspine, Barony of
[Caer Galen] - (Name): "A poll of our group showed sympathy for the client’s plight, although we could argue that in the words of the famous Nietszche (or was that Conan the Barbarian?), "that which does not kill us only makes us stronger"."
[Green Anchor] - (Device): "See my comment on #7 above."
Nahrun Kabirun, Shire of
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "Corrmacc na Connacht September of 1971: Azure, on a pale argent a sword inverted gules. Since by X.4.j - Changes to Charges on Charges, only one difference can be obtained from changes to a charge group of charges on charges, the change of type and number of the charge group from 1 sword inverted to 3 dolphins earns only one difference."
Nahrun Kabirun, Shire of
[Rampart] - (Name): "The Lingua Anglica allowance is designed specifically for cases like this where the use of the name can be traced to period but the spelling is modern."
[Green Anchor] - (Device): "The dragon is not only dormant, but in annulo."
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "This dragon is ‘involved in annulo,’ not dormant."
al-Barran, Barony of
[Caer Galen] - (Name): "Feichin is in Woulfe pg 185: (Feicin g. id. Fehin, (Festus); dim. Of Fiac, a raven; the name of five Irish saints one of whom was Abbot of Fore and patron of West Connacht" Lat. Fechinus. Mac Alinden is also listed in MacLysaght, pg 4 but with no dates."
[Palmer] - (Name): "Rampart: Can anyone document Feichín as a period given name? MacLysaght (p.105) lists it as a surname. The source submitted for the byname doesn’t really support MacAlinden as a period by name and I can seem to find a dated source."
Caerthe, Barony of
[Caer Galen] - (Name): "Again, please give some more citation in the letter rather than just the URL. What does the site document? What does it say? For instance is there any documentation for la moraer de Narbonne?"
[al-Jamal] - (Device): "I hope that someone can come up with a more accurate blazon; I doubt very much that the submitted one will reproduce the emblazon. What is the orientation of the piles? Where is the sword placed?"
[Green Anchor] - (Device): "The blazon and emblazon most assuredly don't match; the former would have the piles' broad ends at the dexter chief, and they would be parallel rather than converging near the edge of the escutcheon. These might be blazoned as three piles in point throughout issuant from the sinister base, but I rather think this is an unregisterable design."
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Device): "The piles appear to be inverted."
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "Device blazon correction: Gyronny, issuant from dexter chief, Or and gules, a sword sable."
al-Barran, Barony of
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Name): "Is the spelling of the given name in the header a typo? The documentation does not support this spelling, only the form
[Caer Galen] - (Name): "The documentation is for Gotschalg. Is there a typo, or is the submitted form different from the documented one?"
Nahrun Kabirun, Shire of
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Device): "This device is still in conflict. There is only one CD for the field."
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "Is the original blazon correct as you wrote it? The current device appears (as does the prior device as you blazoned it) to have two differences: the color of the field (Or vs gyronny) and the color of the wyverns (sable vs gules)."
Scorpions Hollow, Shire of
[Green Anchor] - (Name): "This will probably be OK if she loses the quotation marks. "Not much found before the 16th century" means that "Jane" is OK for late period, since our period extends to the end of that century. Agree that she'd be better going with "Joan"."
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Name): "
[Caer Galen] - (Name): "I believe that we can lose the quotation marks unless she means ‘the Good’ in the nudge, nudge, wink wink, say no more sense. We believe that Jane is no problem and does not need ‘salvaging’ of any sort. The 16th century is well in our period and we can cite several prominent Queens of England who bore the name in period, for instance: Jane Grey (1537-1554) and Jane Seymour (1509-1537). Additionally, Withycombe pg 172. gives: JANE - Coventry Mysteries 15th c."
[Palmer] - (Name): "Talan’s article stated that in the earlier examples Jane was most likely a masculine diminutive, because the written forms were usually
[Green Anchor] - (Device): "The dovetailing needs to be rather bolder. The candle is not by itself; it's in a (nonstandard) candlestick, which needs to be blazoned too. The fact that the candle is flammant also needs to be blazoned."
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Device): "The fact that the candle appears to be in a candleholder should be blazoned."
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "This does not show the typical form of ‘a candle’. It might be ‘a candle on a candlestick’, although this is not the default form of candlestick either. Redraw is probably in order."
Caerthe, Barony of
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "Admin note: One should note that the name was registered at Laurel as Katrein Adler."
Unser Hafen, Barony of
[Caer Galen] - (Name): "Kolfinna is cited 6 times as a feminine name (Geirr Bassi, pg 12). No help on Krýtir."
al-Barran, Barony of
[Green Anchor] - (Device): "This elephant is more or less statant, since a passant elephant would have its right foreleg clearly raised off the ground."
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "This position is not ‘passant’, which for an elephant would be, to quote Mr. Spock: "not only unavailing, but undignified". Statant would be better."
al-Barran, Barony of
Nahrun Kabirun, Shire of
[Green Anchor] - (Device): "Against the argent field, the bordure degrades into four azure bits spaced oddly around the edge of the escutcheon. Either the field or the bordure's metal needs to be Or if the wants a particolored bordure."
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "The bordure is compony."
Nahrun Kabirun, Shire of
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Name): "Seeing as French was one of the languages spoken in the Low Countries in period, a Flemish/French combination should be entirely unremarkable."
[Caer Galen] - (Name): "As to the first name, France and Flanders interacted in period (especially late period) and we would be satisfied with the combination. As to the last name, several questions arise. First, Plessis is a period location, being 20km north of Paris. Second, Richelieu also a locative. However, are double locatives both period and non-presumptuous? For example, if Lysbette is surnamed Richelieu the second surname (Plessis) is claiming her to: 1) be the landed owner of Plessis which would be presumptuous, 2) to be from Plessis which would be a surname plus a locative, which is possible, I suppose, or 3) this is a double surname which is, I believe, possible but not necessarily likely (then the construction might be Lysbette Richelieu Plessis)."
[Palmer] - (Name): "A couple of concerns: first
[al-Jamal] - (Device): "Conflict with Fiona MacNeill, *Purpure, on a chevron between three threaded drop spindles Or, three dogwood flowers gules, seeded Or, leaved vert*. There is a CD for the change in type of the secondary charges, but dogwood flowers are indistinguishably different from roses, and so there are no other differences to be found between the two devices."
Unser Hafen, Barony of
[Green Anchor] - (Badge): "I'm not going to do a precedents dive for it, but weren't ordinaries of flame disallowed several years ago?"
Caer Galen, Shire of
[al-Jamal] - (Device): "*Crusily* is defined as "semy of crosses crosslet"; if the strewn charges are crosses crosslet, we should drop the word "crosslet" from the blazon as being confusing and unnecessary. Blazon fu: *Argent crusilly gules, on a bend cotised azure three bells [posture?] Or.* If the bells are oriented bendwise, we don't need to specify the orientation, as that would be the default. If they are, as so many SCA charges on bends, palewise, that needs to be specifically noted in the blazon."
[Green Anchor] - (Device): "The default semy crosses are crosses crosslet, so the blazon can be simplified to "Argent crusilly gules, on a bend cotissed azure three bells palewise Or.""
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Device): "Blazon fu: "Argent crusilly gules, on a bend cotised azure three bells palewise Or."
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "Argent, crusilly crosslet gules, on a bend cotised azure three bells or."
Nahrun, Kabirun, Shire of
[Green Anchor] - (Device): "1) Ravens can't hover, only hummingbirds. 2) "Hovering" is not a heraldic posture. 3) This is insignificantly different from displayed guardant. 4) I shall be surprised if "Vert, an eagle argent" isn't already taken. My advice is to completely rethink the bird posture, and if she really wants it to be a raven, to use a raven's default posture of close."
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Device): "My browser can’t view the graphics on the page, so I can’t see what the emblazon for this is. However, the blazon is highly suspect. "Hovering affronty" does not sound like an heraldic position to me at all."
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "A raven hovering affronty argent looks much like any other bird displayed argent. As such it conflicts with Arielle de Chantre (Dec 83 via Meridies): Vert, a dove displayed within a bordure dovetailed argent.With one difference for the addition of the bordure dovetailed."
Hawk’s Hollow, Canton of
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "Draw the tressure wider, please. No conflicts found."
Caer Galen, Shire of
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "No conflicts found."
Nahrun Kabirun, Shire of
[al-Jamal] - (Device): ""There is no 'e' in *contourny*." (*See*, *e.g.*, May 21, 1999 Cover Letter with the May 1999 LoAR, p. 2.) Dragons in this posture are usually blazoned as *segreant*, as that includes the fact that the wings are elevated and addorsed. The usual grammar of blazon places the posture before the orientation: *a dragon segreant contourny*."
[Green Anchor] - (Device): "The charge in base is a roundel, not an orb. The latter is one of those golden balls with a cross on top that kings hold at their coronation when they're holding a sceptre with the other. The usual blazon for the dragon's position is "rampant contourny"."
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Device): "This should be returned for redrawing. As it is, it blurs the line between "per chevron" and "on a point pointed." A per chevron line properly drawn should come up two thirds of the shield."
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "Blazon correction: the wings displayed and inverted."
Unser Hafen, Barony of
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Device Augmentation): "Proof of augmentation? When did she receive it, and from whom?"
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "Blazon correction: in augmentation on a sinister canton gules, a cross flory argent."
Canton of Hawk’s Hollow
[Caer Galen] - (Name): "The URLs are correct. Germanic and Viking are compatible."
[Green Anchor] - (Device): "I think it's visually confusing to have the downset portion of
the chevron touch the edge of the escutcheon."
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "Blazon correction: this is a chevron fracted to base. According to Pic Dic 1ed. Pg 47: Gendy flower: ‘This flower seems to be an SCA invention, defined in (and unique to) the following armory: Alma Tea av den Telemark bears: Lozengy sable and ermine, a Gendy flower gules. As this is ‘unique’ will it be registerable again? Blazon correction: this is a chevron fracted to base?"
Unser Hafen, Barony of
[Green Anchor] - (Device): "RfS VIII.2.b.iv is pretty clear that a charge of any kind can't be checky of two colors. Since I don't know the significance of this augmentation, I won't suggest possible changes."
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Device Augmentation): ""Augmentations must follow the same rules that regular armory does, according to the new rules on the June 01 cover letter. A canton checky must be checky of good contrast, and this is not, therefore it must be returned. The rule specifically says "Gules, a lion argent, and in augmentation a canton argent charged with a tower Or is not acceptable, as the augmentation internally breaks RfS VIII.2., Armorial Contrast."
[Caer Galen] - (Device): "RfS VIII.2.b.iv: On the augmentation: Elements evenly divided into multiple parts of two different tinctures must have good contrast between their parts, For example, checky argent and gules is acceptable, but checky azure and gules is not [and neither is checky sable and gules - l]."
Dragonsspine, Barony of
Geir Bassi Haraldsson, p. 16.
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Name): His previous name,
Name registered:
[Green Anchor] - (Badge): "Do they really intend for the portcullis and the pheon to be "sort-of conjoined"? The typical portcullis seems to include its chains, according to the PicDic."
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Badge): "All parts of a fieldless badge must be conjoined; these two charges are just barely touching. I wouldn't call them conjoined at all."
Caerthe, Barony of
[Rouge Scarpe] - (Device): "This pale is awfully wide."
Caer Galen, Shire of